xlvii. hi, mom

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 Aelin had almost made it out the door, when a voice stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?" Rhoe's voice echoed down the hall.

She halted and turned slowly. "Out?" she said.

Her dad raised an eyebrow. He'd been more protective than usual, courtesy of the Valg's recent threats towards her. And the fact that she'd returned from her "sleepover at Lysandra's" with a tightly wrapped hand and twisted ankle.

She'd barely been allowed to leave his sight all week, barring her time at school. It had made sneaking around with Rowan that much harder, which is why today was especially important.

"With who? And where?" Rhoe asked.

Aedion appeared behind them, immediately saying, "I'll go with you."

Aelin rolled her eyes at her cousin's appearance. "You're both fussing. I'll be fine, and I don't need a babysitter," she added, when Aedion made to join her by the door.

"Fireheart," her dad said softly.

She sighed. "I'm going to visit mom. Rowan's coming with," she admitted, hoping they wouldn't question her too much on why. Although she was sure they knew that Rowan had his own reasons for going.

Realization flitted across their faces. She didn't think they'd worry too much so long as Rowan was with her.

"You don't need me there?" Rhoe asked, and she hesitated.

"I'll be fine," she said again.

He sent her a soft smile. "Say 'hi' for me."

Aelin nodded and fled before anyone could stop her. She ran out to where Rowan was waiting in his car.

"Ready?" he asked lowly, once she sat in the passenger's seat.

"Ready," she confirmed.

The ride passed in silence. Aelin could practically feel the tension rolling off of Rowan. It had been his suggestion for her to join him, but she still felt like she would be intruding.

After all, it wasn't only Evalin they were going to visit.

They arrived at the cemetery twenty minutes later. Aelin's stomach was practically in knots, as they strolled up to the stone archway. She crouched down to search the rocky ground outside for the smoothest pebbles she could find.

Rowan joined her, already carrying flowers. Together, the two grabbed a handful of stones. They ranged from marble sized to half the size of her palm, in a variety of blues, greens, and grays.

Her favorite was a smooth, glassy, heart shaped pebble that was a light green.

They walked under the arch and found themselves amidst rows of headstones. Some were bright and pristine, others gray and ivy covered.

Rowan led her down the rows to where Evalin's headstone sat. Aelin's heart stopped at the sight, flashes of memories drifting through her mind.

She remembered more than ever now. She could hear Evalin's voice singing her lullabies or reading bedtime stories about fiery princesses and the dragons they rode. She could feel her mother's hand running through the blonde hair, weaving the strands into a plait. She could see glistening Ashryver eyes and a beaming smile, life spilling out of her.

Aelin was hardly aware of her vision blurring with unshed tears or the quickening of her breath as her chest tightened painfully. She fell to her knees, Rowan still at her side. His hand came to rest on her shoulder, and her restraint snapped.

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