Chapter 19 - First Bite

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  Having them to understand me was harder than I thought. Of course, I didn't even know if making this decision was to early or not. I didn't know where this courage came from but I knew that the sooner I did this the better. 

 "You're a Rare Blood. You shouldn't even be thinking about this! You are out of your damn mind!" Al yells, banging her fist on the table. I flinch at the sudden remark.

 "You are wanting to jump into a pit of fire when there is an opportunity for you to not. If Justin finds out about this, he will kill us all," Jennifer says, in a softer tone of voice. I look back at Al who is the angriest of them all. 


  "You need to stop before Justin hears of this. Then you will really see the real deal," she says, getting up before walking out of the dining room. 

 "You better hope he didn't hear of this, Alex," Taylor warns. I swallow a dry lump in my throat as I get up to walk to Al. She doesn't look at me.



"I..I need you to understand where I am getting at with this.." Al is suddenly in front of me, frustrated and red from anger.

"You need to stop! You don't know what this Cold stone is. You don't know what it does, what power it possess, and what your blood means and does! You don't even know what a bite really feels like!" So, this is not as easy as I thought it would be. What Al is saying is completely justified but...

...How do I tell myself to back away from all of this when my heart, soul, mind, and body has already made a desicion? 


"Okay?" All three of them look at me, shocked.

"Okay. I will back away from all this," I say, shrugging. I could tell Al didn't believe me.

"Promise me?"

"What?" I mumbled, shocked. A promise? This is not what I imagined. Al didn't buy me at all!

"Promise me that you will back down on this stupid decision of yours!" 

"But a..."

"PROMISE ME!" I jump back a little at her outburst. I am not the one to go against promises...

"I promise." There. Al doesn't buy it nor the other girls but they drop it as they all walk away from me, disappearing out of my sights within seconds. Justin. Maybe I should go to Justin and talk to him? Yes, Maybe. I can try. I walk out of the kitchen and within seconds I catch myself in front of his bedroom with the door closed. I knock this time. No answer. I knock three more times and when I don't get any answer I push the door open. I am left completely alone in this house with Justin no where to be found in this dark room. I step inside and in cue the thunder starts to strike. It flashes so bright I go blind for a second and then...the door shuts automatically. I turn around only to come face to face with a very angery face. 

  A face I never really came across before. Dark, anger evident on his face. I take a step back and he takes a step closer to me. With every lightening's flash, I catch a glimpse at him. With no where to go, I am backed up against the wall as he in dangerously close to me.

    "Justin..." The lightening strikes. 

   "I have many ways to show you what pain really feels like!" He snarls, pushing me further against the wall with his body weight. I can feel my heart crack a little as my chest tighten up. A tear slips out of my eye.


"But dying from my hands is not one of them!" His eyes are suddenly red as his pupils dilate. Dark, black veins stretch out from underneathe his eyes and I am instantly drawn back from fear. 

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