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Naismith's POV.

Darkness awaited me and it was everywhere but I found warmth in it. Light distraught me! And the goodness of people make me sick. Nothing in this world is worth living for that means such a thing. Even the Immortal beings possess that trait. But fearing me was just not enough. I needed more.

I needed war. The blood, the screams, the horror look on every living or dead things, the agony! I wanted power, I wanted to gain it all. They went against me and my power and now they're rotting in hell. They have turned for the worse of the goodness and the best for the evil.

But I am not in this alone. I have the ends of my root waiting for me. The only weapon of choice that stood by me for almost 800 years.

I kept him hidden and safe for the longest amount of time. I lost track and came back after so long. 450 years later, here I am, standing in front of the sealed casket. I murdered my entire family at the age of 18 but kept only one alive. One that showed me the importance of life. And an idea.

Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Ever.

End it all.

The fire lit in the cave and sparked something every time I murmured a mantra. The stone in my hand burned in the most pleasurable ways ever and the pain felt like a feather. The stone went crazy in my palm and my skin blistered. But I kept my mantra going.

Asante Assam asakiya. Mahashakti prayam buliya shanni!

The fire went crazy. The more I chanted, the alive I began to feel. The seal was breaking. After so many years of being cursed and forgotten, the seal was breaking! My souls was being freed that was captured for decades to centuries! In this casket I'm the front of me held my dearest and older brother that meant everything to me.

I came second but was founded to be just as equal and more. But together, we were a solved puzzle...indestructible! We were hell.

The casket cracked open and my nerves lit on fire. Everything around me went crazy. The ground shook. Nothing in this world can stop me from awakening my brother! But evil was already on the rise. I had awakened it. I had opened the gate of hell and brought back Satan that saved me long ago when I was on the verge of death. She death almost claimed me from my parents, brother helped. Now, we were the new face of hell. Satan feared us, people feared us. And God does not exist anywhere near us.

We are the new peak of hell.

I opened the casket quickly and watched in awe as my brother's body greeted me once again. I was nothing without him by my side and he was nothing without me. We were the broken puzzle pieces that were separated for centuries and people feared of what might happen if he ever awoke. But awakening of the evil only meant one thing. You can't unlock a locked door without a key. Once unlocked, there is no going back.

Together. All we needed for our powers to destroy and mark our own was a joint of two halves of a body.

The body reeked of the dead. But my brother was not a skeleton. His organs were there, his skin was intact. All he needed was a breath. All he needed was to be able to reopen his eyes again and destroy with me.

"Wake up, brother. It's time to awake." I stood for long hours trying to awaken the dead. Now was the time. I chanted again all while placing the stone on his chest where the heart stopped beating at the age of 24. My eyes turned Crimson as the stone lit in the darkness. Then everything stopped. For a moment I almost accepted defeat when nothing happened but then I opened my eyes and saw it.

What I had been waiting for for almost a thousand years.

He awakened. He eyes snapped open and starred out into the ceiling. Then with a little bit of cracklings, his body came alive. Then him. I watched in awe as he sat up. The he turned his head towards my way and his eyes went Crimson. He needed to blood to be awakened. What he needed were bodies piling. Such hatred, such amusement in his eyes. For a second I had thought he didn't recognize me. But then his lips curved.

"Welcome, brother. Welcome," I said, before something dark in me awakened.

Author's note :

This was a prequel! I mean a preview to a sequel? Lol, whatever it is. You get the idea! I have started my sequel but haven't posted anything yet! For a reference, please make sure you check in on my page now and then to know about the sequel update! So, I need help with my next title of the book. Any suggestions?? :)

P.S, MY immortal Heir is up!! Check it out :) book #2

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