Chapter 5~ Lost and then found

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I tried touching every various objects I could possibly reach, starting from the fridge and ending it with my bed. I went everywhere, touching everything I could possibly lay my eyes on and that feeling never came. Sure, touching the steal rod in my bedroom gave me a shock because of the hot and cold air mixing but the feeling was no where close to what I felt earlier. What I felt when I touched them and---him.

The rain had picked up outside and the fear of lights going off had set in me. I didn't like this at all..I was all alone and the lights going off was not my favorite cup of tea. But that's exactly what happened. The trees outside shook, the rain fell mercilessly on the ground, the wires shook, and my lights went off. Great, just great!

"Candles, where are the bloody candles!" I yelled, completely freaking out. I didn't think I even had those around since the thought of candles never occurred to me back when I was with my mother. Since there were a lot of lightening and thundering going outside, a little bit of light illuminated my house. Taking the advantage of it, I walked around my house trying to find something which would save me from my misery of the darkness but to my luck--there was nothing. I groaned in frustration as I sat down on my sofa with my cellphone on my palm. I tried killing the darkness through my bright screen but it only lasted a little bit.

Dammit, I cursed.

I didn't know how long this lasted but the rain was calming down yet my lights were still out. I knew for a fact that it was going to take quite a while for it to come back up so I just gave up on trying and praying. Since my air conditioner wasn't working or my fan due to the fact that my lights were off--I decided to go out and take some fresh air for a while.


Staying home alone was not my favorite thing to do anymore since this was a everyday thing---back then, I used to kill to be home alone. I took a long shot of breath in and smiled as couple of raindrops fell down on my cheeks. This place was as peaceful as where I used to live before but not as welcoming. I pulled out my phone and placed on the best, convenient smile I could think of before dialing one of my best friend's number back from high school. After a couple of rings later, a bubbly yet mellow voice chirped. She knew who I was yet she liked to joke a lot.

"Hello, whore's house. You got the dough we got the hoe. I'm sorry, we don't take checks, credit or debit. May I know which one you want?" I rolled my eyes at her cheesiness and tried my hardest not to laugh.

"I want Julie Mandolf, please. For a whole night worth of conversation." I smiled as a rumble of laughter pronounced out of the call.

"Alexandra, my darling! What got you interested in me late at night?"

"My loneliness, that's what. I thought living alone would do good to me, but it's hard to manage." I looked around in a hope of bunch of houses for a safety and to my surprise, for once, I was in track without getting lost.

"Honey, you're not used to it yet. Get the habit of living alone. I wasn't quite comfortable living alone too but now look at me, I practically live alone." I couldn't help but to laugh. Julie, my best friend from back in high school, had one flaw that no one liked, consider her parents. Partying and sleeping around.

"Julie, you will never change. You don't live alone all the time, I could hear music on the background. You and your party habits, no wonder your parents kicked you out, whore!" I may have gotten a bit too much and I meant to apologize on my behalf before guilt killed me but I was surprised by a laugh.

"Ouch, that hurts you bitch! But you gotta do what you gotta do! You, for example, like to stay home alone like a bore you are and then complain that you feel lonely. No wonder you don't have any boyfriends!" Maybe this whole dissing each other out got a little over board but her words stung like hell. Boring?? I was never the boring type!

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