Chapter 40 - Brother

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Sleep was getting more and more difficult for me to catch up to. What time was it? I looked around in the dark, contemplating weather to get up to look for Justin or just lay and await till sleep caught up to me. I sighed deeply.

Why was this bitch testing my patience? Why hadn't Justin came yet. I didn't want all this to ruin my night and to think Justin wasn't coming in any time soon, I closed my eyes.

Before I knew it, all the irrational thinking knocked me out. I just wanted peace. Dark shadows, splattered blood, echoing voices, and chains were all prominent and coming back to me again. I tightened my eyes and but kept them close. I rolled around on my bed and squinted my eyes couple of times. My body began to sweat under a thin blanket and I didn't see how that was possible considering the fact that it was very cold outside and a very comfortable temperature in the house. I groaned.

Alone and asleep. If those two caught up to me, nightmares and horrifying visions would rise. Did all Rare Bloods go through this before they died? I kept my eyes closed and before I knew it I was teleported into another dimension.

I found myself in a very unusual, dark place. There was a dark shadow that lingered around me, provoking me. I turned around.

"If only you listened to me," he said. I kept my ground, still.

"I know who you are."

"You've no clue, darling."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Give me what I want and I'll go away." What a joke. What villain spares a life after getting what they want?

"It's not yours anymore. When will you get that through your thick, hard headed skull? I am not someone you want to mess with. So, do Justin and I a favor and go away! We're fearless," I challenged. Even through I couldn't see who was in front of me, the dark shadow grew darker. He was angry. He let out a monstrous laugh.

"I've killed numerous Rare Bloods. Who are you to challenge me, stupid girl? I warned you before. You can't win this battle. You too shall die and so will the others around you."


"Let the game began." Then the shadow was gone, leaving my body and soul trembling in fear.

I sat upright on the bed, beads of sweat running down my forehead. My heart accelerated. I looked outside the window and realized the sun was about to rise. Daylight was prominent. Sleeping was out of the question. Tears pricked my eyes but I shoved them away before they fell. Quickly, I got off the bed and decided a shower would do early in the morning.

When I got out of the shower in just a towel draped around me, I saw Justin sitting on the bed facing me. Remorse written all over his face but I wasn't mad. He was agitated, that much was clear. I walked up to him and sat down, clutching his hands under mine.

"Hi," I murmured, genuinely smiling at him. He sighed before grabbing me and pulling me into him. I squeaked.

"Hi. I missed you," he murmured.

"What did she want?" I asked, anger rising in me again.

"Nothing important." He wasn't giving anything away but I didn't want to know either. Anything that angered me right now, I wanted to stay away from. All I knew right now was that he was back with me again.

"Let's go out. I want to show you something," he said, drawing away from me before capturing my mouth in a swift, gentle kiss. I smiled.

"Okay. Where?"

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