Chapter 49 - Closer to Death

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First day of October. Autumn breeze. The wind was chilled as it surrounded me, wrapping me like a blanket. My cheeks pinked as I walked through the pathway and through the forest. For the first time in quite a while I managed to smile as I took in the view of changing leaves from the trees. The leaves crunched beneath my feet.

Not everything you see have to be real. You have been deceived, my dear. You just have to open you eyes.

I clutched my jacket tighter to my body and pinned a stray hair behind my ears. I didn't find the need to take my car and decided on the walk of my life. Luis' words came back to me from last night as I walked with my head bowed. A stray tear slipped down my cheek as I walked through the pathway.

Luis' words were like fire sparks that ignited in me. But they haunted me. Deep inside of me, I wanted to just forget everything and move on with my life. But my life was so fucked up. My heart ached. I didn't know who to fight or where to begin. Can I run away and follow Luis' path to finding my lost mom from the Netherlands? Do I Just give the stone to Naismith and his son and pretend everything will go back to how it was before? Do I fight for my Justin, pull out Lucifer's bracelet from around his wrist, and throw it in the fire before the rise of the Blue Moon and just pretend that way? Do I just endure everything happening to me and wait? Just how much is Justin and his family worth to me? I can just run away, far far away from here, and save my life.

But I couldn't. I vowed to help my Justin and I am devoted to him. My Justin was still hanging on. Two parts. One part of him was fighting with everything he had to break free from the spell while the other part was wrapped around Sandy's fingers.

She's a wise witch. Her mother used to be my guide before she turned on me. Her identity is revealed only to you. You must be aware of that and be cautious. You must endure everything she does. One mistake and you can ruin everything.

If I wanted, I could have went to Molinda and exposed Sandy. But Luis was right. Lives were depended on me. My one mistake could jeopardize everything. Including my Justin. He would be no longer mine but disappeared far, far away from me.

You don't have much time. As days go by, Justin's hate upon you will grow. He will no longer have any control over you. You must endure everything day by day and wait. You can loose your life in this. It's your choice.

The more steps I took, the more my heart ached. Every inch of me felt betrayed. My cell in me screamed in agony. My blood boiled. Tears threatened to spill at everything I did. I stumbled and fell on everything I wanted to work on. I stopped just feet away from the main, double door gates. I swallowed a lump in my throat and watched as the wind swayed me gently, passing through every inch of me. My jacket betrayed me just like everything else as my body went numb. My limbs froze. I couldn't move. The glass was frozen as fog took over but why was it that the picture was crystal and clear to me? A tear slipped down my cheek again.

Lucifer's power, Sandy's magic, Naismith's wickedness, and Damian's manipulation will draw Justin closer to Sandy as days go by. His battle towards fighting for himself will decrease as long as Sandy works her magic towards him. My visit ends here. I will no longer be able to visit you again, my dear. Don't loose hope. Don't loose the fight. Win him, with everyone else' heart and win mine.

My eyes were beat red as I sobbed silently. Deep inside of me, everything screamed an Okay. But everything else screamed defeat. How can  I get to him, mother? What do I do? Do I believe in everything Luis said to me and fight? Or do I give up? How can I fight? I'm only one and they are multiple.

Sandy kissed Justin and he didn't stop her. He could have fought her. But he kissed her back. I watched in agony. She mumbled something to him and he smiled. Then he said something and she laughed. Look at them. Has he forgotten about me? Is a part of him really fighting for us? I pushed through the gates and blended myself in between the crowd as they made their way towards the floors. Two floors later, I came across his hallway. I walked with a heartache and stopped outside of his door. Everyone walked in, laughing and smiling, whilst I waited outside hoping not to see another dark cloud above my head. And I walked in, anyways. I swallowed a dry lump in my throat as I made my way all the way on the back. I sat down on the desk but with no one around me. As lonely as I felt, I was now sitting all alone starring straight at Justin.

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