Chapter 11 ~ He came

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This was wrong in so many levels! But to was right in so many levels. Sometimes you hve to break the rules to get what you want. Technically, Mr. Rivers illegally kissed me. And I kissed him back but boy did I feel those sparks or what. 

Ironically, my theory was right. I had always believed in witches, vampires, and goblins. But I didn't know that believing in something so hard can outcome to this. I had met my first set of vampires last night and they were friendly! One kissed me and the others saved me! Was it always going to be like this? I smiled. 

I rolled around in my bed several times before sitting up. It was another bright morning and this time..I woke up oh-so-heavenly. It was pretty decent outside just the way I liked it. Fall was near and I just couldn't help but to get excited over it. But for right now I had no idea what I wanted to wear. Dress to impress or dress down only to have him turn away from me because of the lack of my beauty? Hell no! Dress to impress ofcourse. 

I slipped on my cargo booty shorts, a white tanktop, and slipped on some Nine West flats. Maybe this wasn't really me dressing up but then again I wanted to look normal. Not blend in with the bimbos. I walked out of my house and drove off with a huge grin on my face. When I got to school after that, that's when the smile dropped. I parked and stepped out, taking baby steps. 

Yesterday, to me, I had an amazing time getting to know everyone's secret. Atleast knowing that they were blood suckers was all the information I got but still. And the fact that I was a Rare Blood, whatever that was. WE made out last night and we enjoyed it. I enjoyed it! But that was yesterday and today was a whole new day. What if he regretted last night? What if he hates me now? The thought of that made my stomach drop painfully. My heart clenched inside my body and my palms started to sweat. This is it. 

I walked into the class only to be greeted by familiar, unfriendly faces. Maybe my choice of clothing was not right now due to the fact that I was looking highly majestic and pretty than all the other bimbos in this class. I took my seat next to my favorite girls and I blushed crimson red as they made kissy faces at me. I flicked them off and laughed. Mr. Rivers wasn't around and I sighed in relief as I took my compact disc out. I reached for my lips when all of a sudden Jennifer grabbed my hand.

"Why are you wiping your lipstick off?" She asked, arching a brow.

"I think it's too much. I don't want to blend in with these girls around me," I said. Jennifer chuckled and shook her head.

"Keep it on, it looks great on you. These hoes look like barbie. You look great. Don't compare yourself to them." My self estem boosted up and I smiled. Okay, fine. Let's keep my makeup on. The door opened and everyone shifted comfortably in their seat waiting for him to walk in. Apperently this class was everyones' favorite because of him. Some would try so hard to please him. Even the gay folks that were in this class. The jocks in this class, however, are highly jealous of him and you could tell. Me, on the other side, observed everyone working their way up to him..atleast trying! I sat there comfortably, figiting my fingers, and waited patiently for him to walk in. 

A tall, broad shouldered, sexy beast walked in with his top buttons undone on his shirt. Following him though was our principal who seemed to be in a jolly, happy mood. No one had ever seen him like this before and here we were watching him talk to Justin like it was his long lost best friend. 

"Such a charmer, though," Molinda, a girl behind me said. I nodded. He could turn a frown upside down for all we know. Both Justin and the principal chatted about something for a while and then when the principal left, Justin closed the door on him.

"Mr. Justin, what's going on with Mr. Gallagar?" Molinda asked. Justin chuckled and everyone waited for his answer.

"Nothing, a little magic of mine turned his grumpy self into a jolly self. Old man never smiles but I had to do something about it. I sorted his personal problems out. Anyways, you guys do your homework?" 

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