Chapter 46 - Mother

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 It takes time to move ahead from someone or something you loved so much in life. It's hard. It's a difficult process. People cry over it, people dwell over it. I had always been the person not to cry over people especially after my father's death because that's what he had taught me to do. I had always been so strong...

Until now.

My life was incomplete without him, and I couldn't deny it anymore. But I had to be strong again. I stood up from my bed after miles of thoughts later and stood in front of the mirror. No sleep. Lack of strength in my body and physical appearance destroyed within seconds. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't know how long I was starring at my own self when all of a sudden my reflection smiled at me. I looked at her, confused. My reflection spoke to me.

What have you done to yourself? Just look at you.

"I'm mentally and physically destroyed," I spoke to her.

That's not what our father has taught us. We're stronger than this. You love him. We love him. Fight for him. For us. Don't give up."

And then she was gone, leaving me dull and impressed at my own reflection. I turned away from the mirror. How can I fight for someone that wasn't even mine anymore? He has chosen. 

I put my everything I could into this little stupid assignment he had given us to do before we entered class today. I dreaded this. As much as I wanted to stop myself from stepping out of this door, I just couldn't. I have to pass this class. I have to graduate. I just have to.

I stood in front of his class, starring at the closed door in front of me. I didn't want to go in. I didn't. But I had to. 

Come on, Al, you can do this. Go in and let him know you are not nearly as broke as you think you are. Fight for him. For us.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside, ignoring multiple pairs of eyes on me.

"You're late," He spoke, not meeting eye contact on me.

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again," I murmured. He finally dropped his pen that was in his hand and looked up at me. For a split second I saw an admiration in his eyes, the guilt and love. But then it was gone just like it cameI bit my lip as his eyes spoke nothing but venom.

"Laziness and tardy will not be tolerated in my class, do you understand!" He barked, causing the whole class to murmur in sympathy. I fought so hard to stop my threatened tears to spill. I walked away and sat down far away as I could away from him. He starred at me in a fine, tight line before breaking his gaze away from me. I looked at the his sisters in front of me whom were looking at me discreetly with sympathy. I looked down. I didn't need that. Not now, not ever. I just wanted to get away from here and go back to my mother for a while for a getaway.

"I hope you guys have done your homework because no homework means a failing grade with no credit."

His lectures started to which I couldn't concentrate in, whatsoever. I tried so hard but I couldn't. Seconds to minutes to hours started passing by and finally, he sat down on his desk, loading us with lots of paperwork. I picked up my pen and got right into it, wanting to finish first. I did so in less than half an hour. When I looked up I found him starring at me, rolling his pen expertly in between his fingers. I found myself drowning into his eyes. Felt as if time has stopped ticking. Everything around us had been frozen, blurry. Just him and I and no one else in this room. I couldn't look away. I didn't want him to look away. Maybe there was hope...

Why did he hate me for much?

Then his pen dropped. Everything went back to how it was. My eyes didn't leave his. They remained. Justin sat up straight, looked at me with what looked like  sympathy that glazed his eyes, and then looked away. At the door. My eyes left his and followed to where he was looking at.  Long, agonizing seconds went by before finally there was a knock. The door opened on its own and three cops came in, looking around. Justin's balled his fingers into a tight fist. Finally, their eyes fell on mine. My heart raced. 

"Ms. Misty?" One of them spoke in a low voice. They diverted their attention from Justin to me. Everyone looked back at me except Justin. I remained silent, and calm. When I didn't respond, the other one spoke.

"Unfortunately, we have a...bad news for you, Ms. Misty."

I didn't say anything as I waited impatiently. Alexandra, Jennifer, and Taylor Rivers covered their face as one of them looked at me in awe and sympathy. Justin covered his face with his both hands as he laid them against the desk.

"We found your mother's dead body in her apartment. We need you to come with us for investigation and questionings, please." The class gasped in shock. The papers from my hand dropped. 

And just like that, my life came crumbling down to the ground. Clock stopped ticking. The earth stopped spinning. Everything froze around me. I closed my eyes as a tear slid down my cheek. When I opened my eyes, I starred at Justin. 

All my life, I waited for the right moment to let you know...I don't want to let you go. Now I realized, there's just no perfect time... to confess how I feel, this much I know it's real. So I refuse to waste one more second without you, knowing my heart...

BABY, cause I don't need anything else but your love, nothing but you mean a thing to me...I'm incomplete!

My heart broke. 


Author's note: 

The bolded part after Alex finds out about her mother, are few lines from the song called, "AS LONG AS YOU'RE THERE," by Charice. I suggest you guys listen to that song while reading this, it will boost things up! Please enjoy this chapter with the song playing in the background. And now for the real deal...I'm sooo sorry guys for this! It hurts me to write this just as it hurts you guys to read! But it will get better, just read on! :) Show me love <3

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