Chapter 16 -- Your Highness

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       Justin walked in first then I followed with my head down, bottom lip in my mouth. I discreetly wiped my mouth and the excessive blood that was in the cornor of my mouth now disappeared. Justin whipped his head towards me and in a moment of cue, he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. I gasped and he placed his forehead against mine. 

     "Are you alright?" He breathed, wiping the cornor of my mouth. Was I alright? I was petrified. Body parts flying everywhere, blood scattered beneath my feet, heads decapitated...

        "Yes. Yes, I'm alright. Are you?" I murmured, holding onto him in process. He looked at me and cocked his head to one side.

     "You're alright?" He asks, smirking. I bite my lip again. 

   "Well, I just saw blood and body parts everywhere and..murder. Am I alright? Safe to say this so no. But, whatever you did you did it for me. So I'm alright." Justin pulls my lip out of my mouth.

   "Come, let me get you cleaned up." And just like that, my patience was put to test. 

 Justin took me into his bedroom and encouraged me to sit on his bed while he went and got his first aid kit from the cabinet. I watched him carefully as he made his way towards me. 

   "Your highness?"  I squealed, wincing a little as he wiped my mouth with an pad. 

  "Shut up."

   "Whose prince are you? What else are you hiding from me?" I asked, slapping his hand away as he tried to wipe me again. 

  "First, I wasn't hiding anything from you. Second, you don't need to know things like this."

"Why not?"

   "Because you're not a part of my lifestyle. Don't try to cut deep into this, sweetheart," he spat, chuckling. I looked down, feeling a pang of disappointment hit me. Justin sighed, and lifted my chin up. 

  "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to," I whispered. 

 "I was going to tell you, but if that's what you want.." he chuckled. I grinned.

  "No, no! I'm all ears, sir." Justin gave me a full, 100 watt smile and I melted. He looked at me and what looked like to me was him contemplating weather to tell me or not. 

  "I'm the prince of the Immortal world. It's a place full of vampires, witches, and all the other supernatural beings you can think of." Wow

    "You don't like being a..prince?" I asked, swallowing a dry lump that formed in my throat. 

  "No." Oh?


  "It's not something I'm proud of. My so called father and brother resides there. They have made the Immortal world a living hell. There's nothing I can do to prove that I am a worthy prince and soon to be a king." Oh, my. 


 "Because it's forbidden. Mother, my sisters and I can't go over there and they can't come over here."

"Why?" I repeated. Justin chuckled.

  "Eager, Ms. Misty?" 

"Yes. Now, why?" I asked, shrugging. 

  "It's just that. My father left my mother and married a whore of another witch and my brother went with him. Together, they both took over what was mine and ruined my own people." Justin's voice cracked and I sucked my bottom lip again. Oh no.

     "Why can't you just go back and make things better?" 

  "It's not that easy. I need enough strength and powers to overcome my folks down there." 

    "Overcome? What happens when you overcome them?" 

 "They die." Oh. That simple. I squealed but coughed it out to cover myself. 

  "Oh. You want them dead. Cool. Um..." I didn't know what to say to that. Justin chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.

   "I should go see them before they die." 

 "If you go see them then you die. It's that simple." Now this got my attention.

  "Me? Why me? They don't know me!" 

 "You're a Rare Blood. People down there are looking for you let alone my dearest father and brother. You have the blood that empowers the most weakest dead." 

 My mouth dropped to the floor.

"So, only my blood gives off powers?"  If I knew my blood was this important, I would have been more careful cutting and cooking, let alone scraping myself out of my clumsyness. 

"They have this thing called a Cold Stone. It's hidden somewhere no one knows of. Anyone who finds the stone gets all the powers an immortal should have but without a Rare Blood's blood, the stone is nothing. Basically, you would be a cherry on top of a sundae. Sundae does not look too edible without a little sprinkle, now does it?" Justin gave me a crooked smile and looked at me with his twinkling eyes. I bit my lip in again and he reached to pull it back out.

"Cold Stone?"

"Yes. Cold Stone. It's a red stone that burns to the touch if used inappropriately. It cures more than what a Rare blood can do and it gives off multiple powers. Everyone has been searching for it."

"Like what?"

"Well, I don't know what powers, but I do know is that it brings a dead back to life. And cures the most pained one too." 

"So if anyone finds the stone--"

"I doubt it. It's hidden that only a Rare Blood can see through but with that comes some serious damage."

"So, this---"

"Let's drop this conversation, okay? I don't want you to think deep into it. It's not your cup of tea. For now, you should be studying because there is a test coming up soon." Justin smiled as I gaped at him.

I looked down, chuckling and shook my head.

"My blood is that important, huh?"

"It is for me."

"What if I shed it?"

"Then I won't let it go to waste." I smiled as he approached me, pulling me closer to him in surprise. I looked deep into his eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

  I will shed my blood only for him.

..And that Cold Stone? I will find it one way or another. It belongs to Justin, no one else. 

Even if it meant putting my everything in it.

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