chapter 6~ Brother

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I was in mere shock and I didn't know what to think or say. I looked at Taylor as she closed the door on us and swallowed a lump in my throat.

"There is someone outside that was following me..and I.." I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Jennifer spoke up which completely threw me off guard for a second.

"You were lost, right?"

"How did you know that?"

"No one exactly knows where we live. That's why we're located at the woods." All three girls smiled at me devilishly as they all surrounded me. I looked at them, confused, and chuckled.

"I..I don't understand.. I just saw.."

"Alex, relax. You were probably just seeing things since it's too dark outside." I didn't argue further ahead but the way the girls exchanged looks kind of gave me suspicions. I know what I saw and after living here for I don't know how long I was pretty sure they might have seen what I saw. But what exactly did I see?

"Come inside, and relax," All whispered, placing her hands on my shoulder. The moment her hands touched me all my worries were gone. I felt it disappear and the sensation was...

....strange yet soothing.

I walked further into the house, followed by them, and gasped. The place we were once standing at was actually just a "small" hallway which only gave me a little bit of fancy lookouts. But as soon as I entered the LIVING ROOM, my eyes were simply out of my sockets. There was a bigger diamond chandelier on the ceiling which matched up with all sorts of fancy, expensive furniture on the house. A huge, black carpet stood on the ground. I observed further more and gasped a little as my eyes lead me to a huge sets of staircase which lead my eyes to another set of story. I didn't even want to know how many rooms there were upstairs.

All in all, this house had to be the first luxurious house I had ever stepped in. Probably the size of Celine Dion's house or bigger. Jennifer sat me down on the most softest black cushiony sofa and chuckled.

"You live in such a huge luxurious house yet it stands out in the woods. Why?" I asked, not getting enough sight out of the house. The girls smiled.

"So that humans like some of the kids in college don't mess with us and the house. We don't want to take any actions on people yet," all said, looking straight at me with a smile plastered on their face. I shivered.

"What..what do you mean? What exactly does that mean?" I asked. Taylor jumped in as she secretly snarled at Alexandra and then looked at me and smiled.

"What she means is that we used to have a house before this some kids broke in. We moved away and then decided to build a house here. As you can see, not a lot of land is seen here."

"This house means a lot to us," Jennifer said. I smiled at her.

"But can I tell you something? You guys are bloody rich!" The little remark had to slip out of my mouth and the girls laughed.

"You call this rich? We own an island, properties of a beach in California and---"

"Stop it, Taylor!" Al snarled, smiling afterwards. My mouth was the size of mount Everest right now and the girls laughed.

"You're..Jesus," I mumbled, holding on to my forehead. It took me a while to process all the information in and when it suck in, I covered my mouth.

" guys live alone? Where are your parents? How do you manage to live here with knowing that there's something out there?" Too many questions lurked in me that I had to know.

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