Chapter 10--Kiss

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I walked in the classroom with my head held high like a deer caught up in the headlight. I did not see the girls but the classroom was full of unwanted people goofing around. I looked around, the back, and then the front before taking my seat. Mr. Rivers wasn't here either. I tapped my fingers lightly against the desk and waited patiently.

I wasn't attacked last night. Well, not quite the girls. I was attacked though. Are these to hang around with? Can I trust them and their secrets? Yesterday's information was still lurking in my head not quite digested and everything seemed a blur to me. The fact that everyone I thought I knew were..were...

MY thoughts were cut off when all of a sudden the door flew open. Three petite, long legged, gorgeously groomed girl walked in with an overwhelmed look on their face. I stopped drumming my fingers on the desk and sucked my lower lip in. Alexandra, Taylor, and Jennifer came up to me and one by one took their seat closer to me. Jennifer sat behind me, Al sat on the left side of me while Taylor sat on the right side of me. Realization hit me as I noticed that I was sitting in between three vampire beings. I dare not to look at them as I shifted uncomfortably against my seat. My gaze fell to the front and I waited patiently again.

Then he walked in. With the meanest look on his face ever. I looked at the girls and they shifted uncomfortably against their seat, gulping. I looked back at him and observed him as his eyes bored into mine, painfully. I'm guessing he just found out that their little deepest darkest secret was revealed. He looked at the girls with a scowl look on his face and then turned away to the board. He picked up a marker and blankly wrote OBSERVATION in big bold capital letters on the board before turning to us. I realized his shirt sleeves were rolled up and his tie was loose. Sexy was an understatement. He was beyond that. 

"Observation. Nature observation. Find me different types of rocks and present them to me. Go, get out.," he commanded, opening the door for us. Everyone rushed out but I was taken by a little. I have never seen him like this before and to think about even going up to him about this was an understatement. I think he got his major mixed. Rock observation is science, isn't it? I got up from my seat and took baby steps to where he stood holding the door wide open for me. I took a closer look at his apperence and swallowed a lump in my throat. His hair was messy as if he hadn't combed it this morning, his sleeves were rolled up, the top four buttons were unbuttoned on his shirt, his tie was loose, and his eyes were dilated, holding a strong fiesty grip into it. I bore my eyes into his and tried to say something but nothing came out of my mouth. I don't know what he was thinking about but I am pretty sure he can read my mind. It's part of a vampire thing isn't it? I walked out immediately and joined the others as the boiling sun hit me. 

 I saw under the tree, not even bothering to look for the rocks he mentioned about, and looked at him. He joined his sisters and I couldn't pick up anything but it seemed like they were talking..about me..because the next thing I knew they were all looking at me. I dropped my eyes to the floor and fumbled with my fingers. I looked up and the next thing I knew they were gone. 

Why were they so mad? I should be mad, they kept a big secret from me! I should be scared of them. I shouldn't even be near them but here I am not even freaking out. I was slowly starting to digest everything in my head from what the girls told me earlier. If I was so important to them then why were they ignoring me? Why weren't they talking to me? I wanted to just go up to him and talk to him. Was I not suppose to know the secret? I am a Rare Blood for sake. Whatever that is.

The class was called in afterwards and everyone rushed back in with different types of rocks in their hand as well as a sloppy smile on their face. The smuts took no chance on gathering up around him. 

"Hey, Mr. Rivers. What type of rock is this?" A blonde, tall, petite, girl said. I think her name is Amber. I remembered our conversation from before and how he said he hated their squeeky annoying voice. I couldn't help but to giggle but my giggling soon came to a stop when I found his eyes on me. 

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