Chapter 28 - Mother Molinda

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New Jersey. We passed through busy streets, people, and nature and before we knew it we were standing in front of a big, elegant, four story high mansion. I looked down at the soft, green grass beneath my feet. I was thrown off the guard!

"You're mom's a witch, right?" I asked, not pulling my eyes away from the house. I was mesmerized, love in first sight.

"Well if you put it like that, then yes," Justin replied, chuckling. I laughed a little.

"I didn't mean it that way, loser." Justin rolled his eyes and took a step ahead of me. When he realized I wasn't following him, he stopped, just outside his mother's door.

"You coming?" He asked. I took my bottom lip in.

"No, I'm good." I stood my ground.

"You watch too many films, she's not the witch you see in TVs. And she's not gonna attack you with her 'magical spells'," Justin said, encountering my weird thoughts about his mother.

"Well...she is a witch!" I encountered, taking a step back. Justin rolled his eyes, walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, superstitious freak. She knows you're here and so does the girls. They will be excited to see you." With then, he pulled me. I couldn't pull myself back because he was that strong but whenever we got closer to the main door, my heart raced. Oh no, what if she hates me already?

The door opened without having any of us ringing the bell. In front of us stood three well dressed servants, already bowing before the prince. I looked at Justin, who chuckled, and smiled.

"Your highness is waiting upstairs for the arrival of you two," One of the servants said.

"Do they know--" I was about to ask if they knew about their secrets but I was cut off.

"Yes. They're all dazzled." I nodded, and walked in, hand to hand with Justin. My mouth dropped to the ground as I took in the sight of the house. Big, well furnished furniture, a big diamond chandelier, big ceiling, wide walls, two levels of staircase...a house bigger and richer than eminem's!

"Your mother's in there?" I asked, looking back at the door.


"Why aren't we going in?"

"Just wait for it."


"Three seconds."

"One..Two..Three." That's all I came across to when the door suddenly flew open, inwards, revealing three excited familiar faces. I grinned from ear to ear as all three of them engulfed me into a tight hug, forgetting all about Justin.

"Come on, Mother wants to see you!" Jen exclaimed, pulling me to her. I panicked. Oh no. Justin's mother suddenly turned around, facing away from the fireplace, and looked at me, a huge smile coming across her face. My mouth flew open. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't the most sexiest women I ever saw in the world. Her hair was brunette and pulled up. She had no hint of wrinkles, whatsoever, on her face or body, and her eyes were the color of the ocean with a hinge spark of gray, the most uniquest eyes I have ever seen in my nineteen years of life. She had on a gold dress that hugged her slim body perfectly. She had a flawless face and looked in the age of thirty.

She's a witch?

"Alexandra," She said, pulling me into a tight hug. I was taken back a little but I returned the hug with equal force and energy.

"It's so good to see you, Mrs. Rivers," I said, smiling.

"Oh, please. Call me Molinda," she said. I bit my bottom lip.

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