Chapter 2~ girls and that dick.

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I fell on the bed with a thud, not giving a damn about the piles of unwashed clothes on the floor. This was too much for me to handle considering the fact that nothing in my apartment was fixed. Mother didn't do a very good job cleaning up for me. I cursed under my breath. It's like everything I picked up from the floor was never removed. Things were just not ready to lessen up on on. I picked up my schedule from the floor that I had once threw away and smiled. My sweet sweet classes.

 "Let's see. Calculus--boring, Tech--wait a minute!", I sat up from the bed and cursed under my breath again, "someone shares my name and this is not even my schedule. Alexandra Rivers? I must have picked up the wrond schedule! Shit!" I looked at the clock on my wall and got up hesitantly. Eight at night was not the right time to leave the house especially since it was starting to rain. My classes started tomorrow and here I was..


    I didn't give myself enough time to wear something comfortable for the rainy day as I practically ran out. I didn't bother to grab the cars and I realized that after I reached the very middle of my house and the school. I cursed under my breath again and rushed through the gates. I prayed under my breath that the admistration person that assisted me was still there! I ran inside the two thick glassed doors and smiled. But my smile was instantly wiped out of my face as I saw the thick black wording on the small plate the lady picked up. 


 "Wait, what?" I ran as fast I could to her and nearly almost tripped as I lost my balance. The lady grabbed me before the floor even met me. I awkwardly laughed as I muttered a little sorry. So much of the embarrasment. The lady laughed at my awkwardness.


"Freeman," she said, smiling. 

 "Mrs. Freeman, I accidently got the wrong schedule. My name is Alexandra Misty not Alexandra Rivers," I said, handing her my schedule. She slipped her glasses back on.

 "I'm afraid I switched up names. Tell you what, go up to her room at 212. You will see her there and then you guys can go from there." The lady kindly gave me my schedule back and disappeared. Not even a "go right, go left, or go straight." How the hell was I suppose to find my way to the girl who shared my name? Was she a bitch or a nice girl? Maybe she was one of those girls..

 I did manage to find my way, though. I climbed eighty stairs before reaching the two hundred rooms. It took me a while to catch up to my own breathing and when I did, I proceeded. I wanted to get this over with. I knocked on the door aimlessly, fanning the schedule to my face for some cool air. When the door opened, I was taken back. There was a girl with two other girls behind her. They stood in front of me and glared at me as if I was a threat. I blinked before taking in their apperenced. The middle one was the tallest one with long, brunette curls that hung loosely down her waist to her hipbone. Her face was flawless and she had the perfect figure. The one on the right was the second tallest with the same figure and flawless apperence, only the difference was that she had red hair. The one on the left had blonde hair. Truth be told...I was mesmerized. They were winsome.

"I have this thing in my hand..which is  not mine. Is your name..Alexandra Rivers?" I asked, hoping one of the girls were the one I needed; otherwise, I'd be embarrased. I didn't even double check the door tag.

 "Yes? What is it?" The blonde haired beauty said, with a light smile. The other two put on a best, genuine smile they can come up with. 

   "Schedule. I think ours got mixed up because of the name," I murmured, handing her the paper. Alexandra took it from my hand and as soon as our hands touched, we both jumped unison. The feeling was remarkable. It was something I never felt before even though we shared a light touched. I felt electricity go through my body. I figured it was just a goosebumb so I let it slipped but the girl that shared my name also felt it. Her eyes were nearly bulging out of her socket as she glared at me. 

"Rare Blood.." She whispered.

 "I'm sorry, what? Did you feel that too? That was eerie!" I blurted out, rubbing my hands together. Alex simply nodded as she moved aside.

  "Want to come in?" I hesitated at first and considering the fact that it was already too late, I would should just say no and keep going.

 "Yes, sure." I walked inside. So much for my theory. The redhead closed the door behind her and they all walked up to me. The blonde gave me my real schedule and I smiled, thanking her. No one said a word for a while, all just starring at me. Observing me. I did the same.

 "My name is Taylor," The redhead said, her curls bouncing as she walked up to me. 

 "The name's Jennifer, short for Jen." So the names were introduced but the glances were still there. They looked like they were in shock and believe me when I say this but I was in shock too. When Jennifer came by to hug me, I smiled. Hug return? I hugged her back and she pulled away instantly, a big smile plastered on her face. I stood there awkwardly and chuckled.

   "I think we'll be great friends," Jennifer whispered, giving me a devilsh smile. I nodded and waved a little bye.

      "I should get going? See you guys tomarrow!" I opened the door for myself and walked out. The girls stood there awkwardly, observing me again. There was something about these girls I couldn't quite catch up too. I didn't know what it was.


I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and that too without looking. I didn't want to trip at any cost, knowing very well that I was clumsy, but the theory got the best of me. It was too dark for me to see anything since there was poor lighting in the hallway and I bumped into something hard, flinching as something hot went down my shirt. I muffled a scream as I fell back but before the floor came contact with me, something or someone grabbed me. I wanted to punch whoever it was holding on to me. I harshly pushed, prying myself off, and straightened myself out. My skin burned.

 "What the hell?! What do you have in your hand?" I asked, with a vociferate voice of mine, not knowing whom I was talking to exactly. Was it a women? Why is there not a light in here?!

 "Coffee. That was once mine now it's on you," A very low, yet manly voice said. It was husky. Something about the voice gave me full on goosebumps up my body. I shivered in delight but coughed it out.

 "You owe me an apology!" I exclaimed, still to a dark figure I couldn't quite see. Literally, all I saw was one tall dark figure. As If I was seeing a shadow in front of me. That's all. Whoever it was, was tall though. Tall. And by the looks of it, muscular!

 "An apology? What for? Wasting my coffee on you?" he chuckled. 

"You poured hot coffee all over my shirt! You witless fool, you bumped into me without looking," I accused. Okay, I knew it was my fault because I was running without looking but now there was no going back to it.

 "You were running. You bumped into me first and it's not nice to accuse someone falsely, Miss Clumsy."

"The name's Alexandra Misty! And..whatever! What do you expect me to do now? My skin is burning! I probably have a degree burn now, do I go home like this?" 

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know but think of something or..or I will scream," I pointed out. Maybe I was being a little too dramatic. Maybe I should apologize.

"Here, take my shirt." With then, something was thrown on my face. The sweet, heavenly smell of men perfume hit me and I inhaled it awkwardly. 

"You--" I was cut off. I looked up to see no one in sight. I turned to every angle but he was nowhere in sight. 

Strange. Very strange. And he didn't even apologize! 


   Give me a little break, every biginning of the stories turn out boring but trust me when I say this but it gets better! Let me know what you think! :) 

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