Chapter 43 - Heart break

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  Everything happened so fast and in a blink of a second. Justin attacked. Damian was lunged back and up against the wall with Justin holding his neck. A dark aura surrounded us from Justin and nothing of it was welcoming. It was harmful and dangerous. Everyone watched in horror. Damian smirked at his brother like none of this mattered to him. 

"Don't get mad at me, brother. She's the one that kissed me and declared her love to me!" Damian said darkly, laughing. The more he ragged on the more Justin got angry.

"How dare you come into my house and put your filthy hands on her like that?!" Justin exclaimed, roaring in anger. Everyone stepped back including me. That's when it happened. Dark, black, angel-like wings came out of his skin from the back, ripping his shirt apart. His eyes turned a solid color of yellow and red and he lifted Damien by his neck against the wall further more. 

"What is that? How is this happening?!" Alex asked, as she watched in horror at what was happening. I was dumb-founded, my eyes wide open.

"The stone...with powers come consequences. Anger can only lead to one thing. Those wings. Those are Lucifer's wings. Supernaturals don't get that unless they take in a Rare Blood's blood and the stone. And only anger activates those." What? I didn't read about this! My heart accelerated.

"What is going on here?" Molinda walked in and as soon as she did she froze solid to bits.

"The did he get the wings?" She asked, looking straight at me. 

"The stone, mother. The stone and her blood did this to him. He won't come back to us unless you do something. Quickly! Or he will kill Damian!" Jennifer barged in. More tears pooled my eyes. Why were they looking at me like this? I didn't do anything!

"Sala mei orlava dei! Sala mei orlava dei!" Molinda screamed unfamiliar words to him but nothing happened. Molinda watched Justin inch towards Damien's neck with his sharp, razor teeth. Whatever she said did not work. The witches on the back were too scared to step in and frankly no one was trying to help. Lucifer's wings. Whatever they were feared everyone.

"Mondei di!" Molinda said only two unfamiliar words to him and Justin immediately stopped choking Damien. He released him and the wings disappeared. Justin came to his sense and looked at his mother.

"What's going on here?" Molinda asked again.

"She called me down here and kissed me, mother. She said she wants to destroy Justin and take his power away for good and it was all a set up just so he can fall for it." Everyone looked at me. My heart thumped loudly and my head began to spin. I wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

"NO! no, no , no! He's lying! I came down here for you, don't listen to him! I thought you brought these flowers for me!" I looked to where I had placed the flowers at and all of a sudden they were gone. I looked everywhere for it but they were out of sight. I looked back at everyone and it was so hard for them to believe. Why isn't anyone believing me?!

"Alex--" I cut Molinda off.

"They were here! Ask the girls! I came down here to look for Justin! I didn't know he was going to be here. Justin? Justin, he compe--" I didn't get to finish my sentence. Justin grabbed my neck and suddenly I was being pushed against the wall in full speed. In this process, I heard my back bones crack and I screamed. Everyone gasped. The same eyes I had fell in love with me were now looking at me with nothing but hate.

Pure hate.

My heart cracked. 

"I told you before. I. Don't. Like. Liars and cheaters," Justin said darkly, pausing in between every words. I cried out as he pressed onto my neck.

"Lis-listen to me! That was not--not--" He pressed on and I felt my eyes roll back.

"Justin, you're going to kill her. Let go, please," Molinda plead. Justlin heard his mom's pleading but not mine and immediately released me, looking at me with scornful eyes. I coughed and coughed as I fell to the ground. 

"He compelled me!" I blurted out, grabbing onto my neck for a support. Justin raging anger only increased as he growled at me.

"To someone who knows how to block her damn mind from being compelled!" I was taken back.

"I didn't get the chance too!," I defended myself. He only chuckled.

"You filthy little girl," he said, looking straight at me. My heart broke in half at the words coming out of his mouth.


"I want her out of this house in three seconds!" He growled, making it clean and clear for someone to kick me out of his house. Tears began to spill and an unfamiliar pain went through me. Why isn't he listening to me! 

Suddenly, he grabs my hand hard enough to leave marks and drags me upstairs to where the main door is. Molinda and the girls try to stop him from doing anything bad but Justin doesn't listen. 

"Justin, let me go! You're hurting me!" I yelled, humiliated and hurt as everyone watched him drag me out. Justin stopped but kept his grip on me. The ones that welcomed me earlier were now growling at me like they were ready to attack in a single command from Justin. I braced myself as they came near me. Molinda and the girls came in view but said nothing. They looked at me with saddened eyes and I felt disgusted with myself for going through this.

"You're going to listen to your brother who hated you all your life and wanted nothing but harm to you and not me? Someone who wanted nothing but the best of you?" I asked, tears spilling.  But Justin didn't want to hear me out. My truthful reasoning wasn't good enough for him and the blanket of hate on him was thick and clear. 

"I can kill you this instant if I wanted to. You want to live? I suggest you step out of this house RIGHT NOW." His demands were crystal clear. I looked back at Molinda and sisters one last time and what I saw really got to me. They knew the truth. Molinda knew how generous I was to her son. Then why wasn't she saying anything?  Sandy and Damian stood on the back smiling devilishly as if they had won their game. I couldn't say anything. I didn't say anything. I looked at Justin and the ones that kept quite one last time before I stepped out. Justin slammed the door on my face and that was it.

My world came crumbling down as I starred at the door, tears brimming down my face. 

"I love you Justin, I always did."


Author's note:

 Hey guys! Two chapters in one day! Awesome right? Hope you guys don't hate me for this! Trust me, but it will hopefully get better. HOPEFULLY ! Please read on, i won't disappoint :) Then again...I think you guys will hate me after this but I had to do this :(  Stay tuned! 

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