Chapter 3 ~Mister who?!

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"Shit, shit, shit!" I mentally cursed, throwing the blanket off of me. How the hell do I manage to get late on my first day of college?! Then again it was nothing new. I was always the first one to step into school every first starting day of school year. Like elementary school, middle school, high school, and now college. Well college didn't seem to be that big of a deal but still..I was half an hour late.

I took my time showering, though, so I could be fresh as hell and I also took my time dressing up. I slipped on white shorts and a black V-neck, grabbed my car keys and walked out, then again, taking my time. College could wait. 

When I got to college, I raced. Screw taking my time. What if these teachers were strict since this wasn't high school anymore? I ran, risking my own life of falling and tripping, and made it to my first class. History class. I secretly prayed this class went fast because I hated history. It had always been my least favorite class.

The class was full of successful looking people and knowing that they all had decent clothing on, I felt uncomfortable. Although, there were some girls who had decided to look a bit high school type, wearing less clothes than their body appreciated. There were jocks there too. Five of them even had football team t-shirts on. So the only decent ones were the nerds. Other than that, I didn't feel to comfortable now. I didn't enter just yet, knowing that the teacher still wasn't here, so I just stood there observing. Some looked at me as if I had mental problems going on but I didn't care. Who was I suppose to be sitting with? There were empty chairs but I didn't want to be anywhere near jocks or preps. Even college had those. 

"Sit with us?" Someone from behind me said, causing me jump slightly. I turned around and smiled.


"Call me Al so there's no misunderstanding to it," she corrected, passing by me. I nodded and smiled as the other two followed, giving me a comfortable smile. I noticed how the jocks looked at them and I noticed how the preps looked at me. Oh come on! Why is this school filled with them? I think it makes no sense to me, whatsoever. 

"We have History together," I mumbled, sitting in between Taylor and Alexandra. Jennifer sat next to Al. 

"We have English together as well. We don't go to English until every wednesdays and thursdays."

"Oh, sweet." I brought my attention back to the front, "So when does..this..teacher come in?"

"Hey, what happened to your chest?" Jennifer asked, completely oblivious to my question. I looked down and sighed. The redness was still there.

"Some idiot last night dropped hot coffee on me and the nerves of his-did not even apologize to me! I had a degree burn last night. It was partially my fault, though. I wasn't looking where I was going but still--"

"Who was he?" Al asked, oh so bluntly. 

"I...I don't know. It was too dark for me to see. He was tall though..and his voice," I blurted, smiling awkwardly. The girls chuckled. 

"What if you see him again?" Jennifer said, observing me again. There was a mischevious smile plastered on her face that I couldn't quite catch on to but I knew it had to deal with the talk to that guy I tumbled with. 

"I doubt it. I don't even know how he looks like. I doubt he knows what I look like. But he knows my name! I am guessing he goes here?"

"You never know, sweetheart, you never know," Al murmured, smiling. I looked at her and chuckled, rolling my eyes. 

 "Where's the teacher at?" I asked.

"The teacher that worked here doesn't work here anymore. Another teacher took over and he's new to this place," Taylor said, smiling.

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