Chapter 53 - Ready For Battle

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   Six pm. Nautical twilight. The wind blew harsher than ever before. My windows rattled and papers flew everywhere. But I didn't care. I didn't even care that my body was freezing. I didn't care that things in my room were flying left and right. Things broke as I threw my valuable objects around like it meant nothing to me anymore. I hyperventilated.

"No! Where is it! No, please don't do this to me," I cried, breaking open my secret box from underneath the bed. I gave up, throwing my box against the wall. I sat on the floor, against my bed, and looked at the mess I made in my room. The wind whistled at me, taunting me. Panic rose in me like hot molten lava. My blood boiled.

About three days ago, my Ruby was in my secret box under the bed. I kept it there after knowing about it vibrating on me. I never touched it ever since then nor had I taken it out of my box for any reason. I didn't dwell on it much, either. I just wanted one peaceful day without any drama, nightmares, or betrayals. But Justin was gone, leaving me behind with my heart and mind racing.

...So was my killer Ruby. 

I didn't know what to think. My head buzzed. I was seeing black dots overtime I closed my eyes. And overtime, I would see images of blood and flesh. Out of anger, I pick up the nearest thing next to me--my lamp, and throw it across the room. I watch it shatter into pieces. I cover my face for a good minute, accepting an unwelcoming defeat. My chest hurts. 

My body immediately starts to glow. A sudden light illuminates the room. I dare not to look asI keep my face covered. I painful sigh.

"It's gone, Luis. My stone is gone!" I remove my hands, leveling up my voice. Panic rises in me. The ball of energy in front of me doesn't say anything. I take this as an opportunity to keep looking. I wanted him to know what this was doing to me. I throw whatever my hand touches across the room. Everything I throw shatters or rips in half. I destroyed my room, not giving a care in the world. My back faces him and I continue to look.

"IT's not here, I looked. I--I don't know where it is. I put it right here. Now it's gone. Do you know? Do you?" My voice cracks as I turn my head to face him. Luis stays mum. I look outside my window and point at the moon.

"Look, it's getting dark. You gave me a time and I am wanting to implement something but now I'm facing a bigger problem. My stone is gone. Our stone is gone!" I whimper. Something stirred Luis.

"You won't find it here." Now something stirred in me. I sit still as I face him. He knew? 

"Where is it, Luis?" I ask, preparing myself for the worst. Luis stays quite again as if he's not wanting to tell me something. Could it be that dark, that overpowering on me? Was it a secret he didn't want to disclose? I sit on my knees, pushing further.

"Where is it?" I ask again. 

"Justin." Everything around me explodes including whatever that was left inside of me. My brain, my feelings, my heart, everything unorganized. My ears and eyes bled. Every breath I took felt like a blade.  

"Justin? Why would Justin take it? Why would he do that? What could he possibly do with it?" I ask in frantic, my heart racing. I prepared myself for a blow and that's exactly what I got. 

"He's going to take it to his father." The last liveliness in my heart vanishes.  I couldn't cope anymore. Why would he do that? Why would he possibly want to hurt me like that? He's walking right into his father's trap like a bait, taking a bigger piece of me with him. I knew I shouldn't have gone out to reconnect with myself. All I wanted was some fresh air and all I ever got was a bitter taste of the nature. I'm in shock.

"And you let him?" I spat bitterly, my voice cracking again. 

"It's not in my power to stop anyone." 

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