Chapter 36 - Disobeyed, and Caught

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The wind blew harshly as my feet picked up the pace, the sand sinking beneath me. The moon haunted me as the beach taunted. I picked up my pace to wherever I was running to.

I ran.

Yes, I got out safely without getting caught. I didn't use any logics or principles on how to secretly get the window up.

I said fuck it all as I broke the glass with my bare hand and jumped out with my hands dripping blood on the ground. I dared not to look back and to think Justin heard me...

He didn't.

He had sound proofed the door with his magic and ironically, this came in handy for me. Justin thought I just didn't have it in me to be able to do something like this but in reality, I had an inner savage in me. I was told to run miles on the this direction I was on so I did but for some reason I didn't know if I was getting any luck.

After what felt like running forever, I came across something I thought didn't even exist. The rich houses that greeted me every mile I had ran stopped when I came across my 9th mile. After that, I saw nothing but the dark ocean and sand all around me.

There was a big sign right in the middle of the beach and I think this was meant only for my eyes. What idiot would put a sign in the middle of the beach and trip people whenever they came by? Then again...

It is full moon, and this day was my day. Which meant, everything was calculated for me. That's why maybe I was seeing things no one else could. 

I squat down and rest my hands on my knees to take a long breath before I exhale out. I stand up to my feet again as I smile.

Galaxy street.

The board taunted me, watching me like a hawk and wanted me to make a move. They said one drop of Rare Blood's blood can activate the cave and it will just appear. I looked around. But from where? Am I on the right spot? I really didn't know what to do. Where do I let my blood drop to? I remembered I had hurt my hand on the process of breaking open the window. But when I looked down, to my disbelief, every drop of my blood had dried up!


How do I make myself bleed? Scratch myself? Bite myself until I bled? Chew on my own flesh?!

How do I make myself bleed now? There was nothing sharp around me and I had to do this quick! Think, Alex! Then it occurred to me. I looked at the sign. There was nothing sharp around me but the board's edges were sharp! I didn't think twice before I walked up to it, looking around in process.

Not a single soul.

I turned my head back to the board and lifted up my wounded hand before placing it on the edge. This better work. I closed my eyes tightly and slid my wounded hand down. I pulled it back and cursed under my breath as it stung up, my nerves burning in return. But there was no blood! So, I had to be tortured in order for this to work? I tried harder this time and with a silent pray lingering on my lips, I slid my hand down harder. I pulled back and muffled my mouth before screaming. It bled this time and I wasted no time as I let my blood drop in various places on and around the board. I stepped back and waited impatiently for the cave to appear.

And it did. Out of fucking nowhere! It slowly emerged from the ground as it continued to rose up. I starred at it in awe as a big, white ball of light hit me before the cave came clear to my eyes. I looked around. Can nobody freaking hear or see this cave coming out before me?

The girl from the party said it was impossible for Virgin eyes. Only a special someone could activate the cave and here I was standing before one. My chest rose in and out excitedly as my nerves bubbled in me. I laughed out loud.

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