Chapter 4~ Touch

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  I looked everywhere for that shirt. I had to find it. Where was it?! I checked my bathroom, my bedroom, under the bed, under the sofa, in my closet--under my fridge. You never know what I could find there. I had lost my phone under there once, then ofcourse my luck. I found it. I cursed under my breath as my lack of intellignece came in. So stupid! Where was that shirt? I was confident about the fact that the shirt had already lost its scrumptious smell by now.  I didn't want that shirt to be in a place where the dust and normal smell would destroy his scent. Where was the damn shirt?!

 After a lot of searching, I found it. I huffed and puffed and plopped my ass down on the bed with the shirt clutched tightly against me. I found the courage to smell it to see if it still reeked of him and to my surprise it did. I smiled as I kept inhaling it over and over again and everytime I did my mouth watered. I felt like sick love puppy! This was a sin. All a sin. It wasn't right for me think of someone like that! He was all over my bloody thoughts.

Was he married? No, no..I didn't see a ring on his finger. But he had a girlfriend, right? He most definately had a girl, I assure you. I felt a pang on my heart at the thought of someone else having him. I mentally smacked myself at the thought of..all this. I needed some fresh air.


 I got to school on time this time with a little bit of make-up on and comfortable clothing of black leggings and a while blouse on. My long brown hair was down and well managed. I wasn't trying to dress up to impress someone but rather myself. Although part of me was lying. 

I took a seat next to my usual peers and smiled.

"What got you looking so mighty and pretty? Jennifer asked, chuckling. Taylor and Alexandra waited desperately for me to answer.

"I got tired of looking so dull and this is college. I need to impress myself sometimes as well as others." It wasn't exactly a lie spilling out of my mouth but it wasn't the truth either. The girls seem to suspect something as they devilishly smiled at me but then shrugged it off.

"You have a thing for the teacher as well, no?' Taylor whispered, looking straight ahead at the board. 

"A student can't have a thing for her teacher, Taylor. But you seemed to igniting a little," I accused, poking her. She laughed it off and nodded.

"Oh yea, most definately. He's charming alright."

"You guys share the same last name as him. Don't you find that..amusing?"

"You find it amusing?" Al asked.

"Just a little, not going to lie."

Every shifted on their seats a little as the front door opened, revealing a very charming man. And like yesterday he had papers with him. I looked at him closely and smiled a little. His white shirt, red tie, and black pants looked dashing on him. And then came those eyes in sight. I starred aimlessly at it, my brown dull eyes boring into his intoxicating eyes. He looked up at everyone but his eyes fell on mine. Did anyone notice that? He was looking at me---no, starring at me with a little smile plastered on his face. I looked around awkwardly at anything but him.

"One last lecture of something short. Tomorrow, you all will be having a quiz. So pay attention!" He looked at me when he said that and then at the three girls. They shared a little glimpse at each other before looking away. Who shares those kinds of glimpse? Siblings. I'm well aware of it.

The lecture went by quick and like last time my mind was roaming around somewhere else. Nothing was collected in my brain and nothing seemed to registed except him. Him. When lecture ended, class was dismissed. I picked up my stuff, said my goodbyes to the girls and got up to rush out but before my foot even touched the third tile of the floor, he stopped me. 

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