Chapter 44 - Painful Bite of Betrayal

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  In just a blink of an eye, my whole world filled with what little happiness I had left over, took a U turn. I told my poor little heart not to hurt and my eyes not to shed a tear but I couldn't help it. I walked through the woods painfully as I made my way to my apartment. My body pained from inside and out. Every step I took tore me apart limb by limb. 

What happened today was not suppose to happen. I would have stopped this if I knew what was to come but everything was out of my control. I reminisced everything that happened and all I could see was Justin's hand around my neck and his eyes that were filled with nothing but hate for me. 

For something I didn't do.

I bursted out crying as I opened my apartment door. I slammed the door shut behind me, ran up the stairs and into my bedroom, and fell on my bed. My heart ached painfully. I couldn't contain myself. I knew he's going to come back. He always did every time we argued. I will forgive him and openly accept his apology and forget everything that happened happened. Please, come back!

Time went by. Clock ticked faster today. Daytime quickly turned into dusk. I sat on the sofa forcing myself to eat something but the fruit in my hand tasted bitter. Water tasted bitter. Anything my hand touched pained me. All I could really do was taste my own salty tears. I threw the apple away and waited impatiently. 

Would he come? Will he? Justin always came to wipe my tears, he always found a way.

I got up and ran upstairs but stood just outside of my door. Nervously, I turned the knob and entered the dark premises. My heart skipped a beat as I closed the door behind me. I knew it. I smiled through thick tears coursing down my cheeks. 

There he stood, with his signature look on his face, arms crossed against his chest. No remorse. Just hate. He didn't smile at me nor welcomed me with open arms like he always did. I slowly walked up to him but making sure I kept a good distance between us. I wanted to touch him and god, I hurt so bad. 

"You-came back," I croaked, fighting back a gasp.

"Why? Were you expecting someone else?" He said, bitterly. My smile slowly began to fade.


" brother?" My head snapped up to his and tears dwelled from my eyes. Justin chuckled and walked up to me, capturing some of my tears. I watched him dumb founded.

"Why did you do this to me, Alex?" He asked, watching me intently. I sobbed quietly as my poor little heart went into coma. My chest tightened.

"Justin, why aren't you hearing me out? Your brother manipulated me into saying things I didn't even mean to say! He made me say it. He planned this! They all planned this, why don't you listen to me?" I sobbed, grabbing onto his collar for support. Why wasn't he listening to me! His appearance didn't change. He remained how he was as if anything I was saying mattered nothing to him. Justin grabbed my hand tightly and I watched him, confused. It's like he was blinded by hate! I winced as he tightened his grip on me.

"Why is it so hard to believe you?" He spat.

"Ow! Justin! You're hurting me!" I yelped, prying myself to break loose. Justin took charge this time and threw me across the room, with a full vampire speed, smashing his body against mine, against the wall. I screamed but he quickly muffled my mouth.

"No, you're hurting me! I thought you were different! You were in this game just as my brother was! All this was just a front and I should have known!" Justin snarled at me, a tear drop falling from his eyes. I tried to touch him but grabbed my wrist, twisting it in agony. His eyes turned dark. I watched in horror. 

I knew my Justin was gone. He wasn't listening to me because he was blinded. His eyes glowed and burned me all while he chuckled, bringing his sharp razor teeth closer to me. I plead him to stop but it was too late. I screamed in agony but he quickly shut my mouth as he drew blood out of me. It was painful, long, and burning. I felt everything, every second of it. I tried to push him offbut my body weakened. Justin pulled away at last and I fell to the floor, digging myself deep into the ground. Justin knelt down and smirked. I forced my eyes at him and saw nothing but hate. Thunderbolt roared out in the sky and lightening flashed, capturing the shadow of Justin in front of me. 

"I loved you, Alex. I wanted nothing but your hand on mine. But you betrayed me. Now I want nothing but you to disappear. The stone and your blood came in my favor, don't you think?"

"Ge-Get out!" I cracked, holding on to my neck for pressure. Justin left just like that, leaving me in my own pool of blood and tears.

What did they do to my poor Justin? To the man who loved me? 

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