Chapter 8~ And the fangs come out

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That awkward moment when you're thinking about your teacher in a way you shouldn't have. I couldn't help it. I was putting the whole looks aside and jumped straight into the topic of touch. The chemistry I felt when we touched..

The spark I discovered. It was a bitter-sweet spark because it pained me as well as satisfy me with some type of unwanted need. Did he feel that? Why didn't he react to it? God, what the hell is wrong with me? I paced around my own living room thinking about these ridiculous things and it literally put my brain to work. I was about to sit down on my sofa after a lot of pacing around when my door bell rang. I looked at the clock and squinted my eyes as it read 8pm. I never had much "clients" knocking on my door so really the question is...who is this?

I opened the door only to come face to face with three familiar faces. Jennifer, Alexandra, and Taylor Rivers. Normally I would freak out and ask them how they freaking found me and my house because there was no way I ever gave anyone my new address but for right now I couldn't help but to grin ear to ear. 

"Hey girls!" I exclaimed, hugging each and every one of them. I heard chuckles out of them and it was obviously because I was suddenly acting strange!

"Well, hello there! What got you so excited?" Jennifer asked, giving me a warm smile.

"I have not had anyone come by the door in..days! But can I ask you guys something? How did you find me?" The girls gave each other a look and then smiled at me.

"You told us your address," Al said, with a smug smile plastered on her face. I scrunched up my brows. I did? When? 


"Like three days ago, remember?" Jen said, coming closer to me. At first I thought I saw something extremely..eerie. Her pupils dilated and thin black veins popped out from underneath her eyes. It was was like...

"What happen to your eyes?! Your eyes got dilated, I have some eye drops! Maybe it will calm it down! I think..I will be right bac--" I was cut off by a sudden arm wrapped around my wrist.

"Wait..what did you see? What did you feel?" She asked, getting all so serious. 

"Your eyes got dilated and like black thin veins popped out from underneath your eyes! I thought I was I crazy? Did I just see that? Are you okay? I have seen those eyes in TV before, are you high?" I asked, covering my mouth from laughing out. The girls looked at me like I had massive three heads growing from either side of me but then Jen smiled.

"Yes, I'm high. I got high. That's it," she laughed awkwardly. I smiled and nodded. Yeah, that's it. Jen looked back at the rest of the girls and they all smiled awkwardly again. It's like I was missing something out! Was it the whole sister look thing where only they knew what they were talking about and what each other were thinking about? God, why couldn't I have a bond like that? I wish I wasn't the only child to my mother and my late father.

"Let's go for a walk?" Taylor asked, handing me her hand. I quickly grabbed it and shut the door behind me.

"Are you sure you don't want eye drops?" I asked, placing my phone on my back pocket. Jen chuckled and shook her head, giving me a wink. 


     It was quite a night right now, the trees shaking immensively. The sky picked up with a rumble of thunder in the sky and somewhere in the woods an owl hooted. I didn't know where we were but lots of trees were around us. 

"Guys, where are we? You're not kidnapping me, are you?" I asked, looking around. My lack of clothing right now was not helping due to the fact that the cold was picking up fast. I cursed at my white denim shorts and a thin fabric black shirt on my body. Somewhere underneath my clothes I shivered but the girls walked like no cold was touching them. I huffed.

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