Chapter 54 - Race Against Time

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Alone. Darkness engulfed me into its womb, suffocating me. My feet planted softly on the wet, ground and I stopped, frozen on my tracks. Tears embedded themselves in my eyes and it came straight from my broken, aching heart. My bottom lip trembles. I'm a women of good things, and I believe in it. All my life I have been careful, always focusing on the right paths. My father's death took a toll on me but my mother taught me to stand tall on my feet. That's exactly what I did. My well behaviors come from my mother and because of that I always tend to help others out no matter what situation they are in. Like Justin. I met him for a reason and I realized later on the purpose of it.

I'm meant to walk on my mother's footsteps and do good things in life and that's exactly what I do. I sacrifice everything I have. But at this moment, at this specific time, I was helpless. And I hated being helpless, it crushed me to death. And I was afraid of death because it took a lot of people away from me. Once upon a time, it took away my hopes on living. My father was the case. Tears rolled down my face.

I knew this place. I visited before with Justin. Then I saw it a lot of time in flashbacks, visions, and nightmares. Now, I was actually here again. When I visited before I was greeted by many supernaturals. They were Justin's people. They were nice to me and respected me. They were the only nicest living dead I had ever met. Now, all I was seeing was a pool of blood. And some of it had caught my shoes as I stood still.

Before me were piles of dead bodies. Justin's people. Majority of them were beheaded. Some of them had their chest cut open and I figured it was to snatch their hearts right out of their body. There were children, babies, women, men, even animals on the ground, dead. Quarter of them were dead but there were some that remained half alive, withering in pain. Almost like they were spared to suffer. There was so much red in front of me, that I couldn't contain myself. More tears spilled and I remained still, watching in pure agony. Justin's entire kingdom had been burnt to the ground, demolished. There were still bright yellow and orange flames intact, burning the remaining wood of the buildings to the ground. A sudden sound startled me and I looked away only to come across a faint cry of a women on the ground. I kept my feet planted on the ground no matter how badly I wanted to go up to her. I couldn't risk myself being seen. The only thing hiding me were the thick branches from the trees and small, dark bushes.

The women saw me and tried to speak but couldn't. I figured she remembered me. I took a daring step to the front and immediately stepped back as a twig underneath my feet crunched. I looked around, hoping nothing or no one saw me. I couldn't stand here and do nothing. I didn't know where to go and I didn't know where Molinda and her daughters were. The women in front of me was my only key to the door. She is the only one who could tell me where they are.

I take a very calculated step frontwards, making sure no one saw me. With the coast being clear, I took this as an opportunity and ran towards her before kneeling down to her level. From far away she didn't look to be so bad but as I got closer to her--being face to face, ground to ground with her--I saw it. Her face was cut open and her neck was punctured. I took her whole image in, observing her. Her wrist had a deep cut almost like she was knifed. Her entire body was covered in bruises. Everything else made sense but what didn't make sense to me was of how her neck and wrist came out to be.

Why would a supernatural being have her wrist and neck punctured? I took a closer look at her and that's when it dawned to me.

She wasn't a vampire. She was human.

My body jerked back in shock as I covered my mouth. Then I looked around slowly. I was closer to a lot of dead bodies now and then it dawned to me. The ones that had blood oozing out of their necks and wrists were humans. And there were a lot of them mixed with supernaturals. My head buzzed and vertigo hit me. I lost my wits and balance and swiftly turned before vomiting on the ground next to me. I coughed and coughed before vomiting twice all at once. When finished, I slumped back.

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