Chapter 1~ Move out.

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Waking up was definately not my favorite thing to do. Especially in the mornings because mornings weren't my cup of tea. I groaned lightly as I draped the blanket over my head, cursing under my breath. There was someone out there trying to wake me up and I didn't like the idea. She got closer to me. Please don't wake me up..please don't wake me up..

The footsteps stopped when they approached me, my eyes yet closed. I wonder what she's going to do this time.

"Wake up, darling," my mom murmured. I didn't open my eyes. But I wanted to laugh. And so I did.

"Alright then since you're not heeding me I'm going to wake you up myself!"

And just like that she poured a freaking bucket full of ice cold water on my still body. It touched me like a bee sting. I screamed and looked at my mom huffing and puffing. I had ice cubes on my bed and in my bra!

"Mom, are you crazy?! Is this the way to wake your child up? What if I get a cold or something?And ice cold water with ice cubes in it? Really? Couldn't you throw rose pedals or..possibly even money to wake me up?" I asked, getting up from my wet bad.

"Well you weren't waking up!" I rolled my eyes and slipped on my red silk robe.

"Mom go out so I can get ready," I whispered, pushing her out. When she was out I jumped into my shower. I got dressed and out in about fifty minutes and walked down with the most content expression on my face ever. I knew I was happy, my mom knew why I was happy but something had decided to crawl up her ass. 

"Good morning, mom," I said, giving her a hug from behind. 

"Good morning," She murmured, packing up all the boxes. I helped her put all the boxes and stuff in my car and then we came back in for five minutes. I looked at my mom and before I could spill out a single word she broke down. Literally, got on her knees and cried out. 

'You're going to be gone forever and I'll be left alone," she weeped. Seeing her cry brought tears to my eyes but I quickly pushed them away.

"Mom, I'll come visit now and then don't worry. Look in the bright will have all the time you want in the world to be with your boyfriend," I stated. Just a mention of her boyfriend made her smile. But I didn't like the fact that she was dating someone else. I still loved my dad even though he left us. I never knew the reason and neither did my mom. Ever since then me and her had been living our lives together. I loved my mom to the fullest. We then sat in the car and drove off.

"If you end up getting married to him I will be upset though," I said.

You witless little girl! I can't live my life alone anymore now that you've decided to move out. I need to live too, you know? And he's a very sweet times. My baby, you are leaving me. Four fucking hours are the longest hours of my life! God, take me away!" My mother yelled, banging her hands on the steering wheel. My melodramtic mother. What can I say other than laugh.

"Oh god, mom," I sighed.

The rest of the ride we didn't speak a lot. It was silent yet soothing ride all the way from my place to my university. When we reached there, mom didn't drive me to my college. She drove me to my apartment. She thought the girls would murder me or something in the dorm so she bought me an apartment not too far away from my college. Just couple of blocks away. God.

"Well mom, I want you to start decorating my place. I'll be back. I need to go get my schedule and stuff," I said, heading out. I didn't give her time to answer. These bloody tears were stubborn at times. They rolled down my cheeks depite the fact that I had vowed not to cry.

Tears. They weren't my cup of tea.


I reached to the gates of King's college and walked in. Everyone were piling in trucks full of stuff for the dorms of students. I walked into the main room and came face to face with a lady. She gave me my schedule and I walked out.

All my classes were easy as crap. Well they looked like it. And they were forty minutes each with lots of breaks. Oh how I loved college life. College didn't start until tomorrow so I had plenty of time to get ready. I joined my mom later on and everything then became set. My mom and I said our final goodbyes after lot of tears and then I was left alone.

Oh I hated this already. I hated this a lot.

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