Chapter 56 - A Bitter-sweet Goodbye (The End)

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It was dark outside, almost too dark. I had entered a dimension I knew nothing of and the idea of dying, slowly and painfully, wasn't a big thrill for me. I was bleeding almost too much of my own kind. Any normal human being would have been dead if they were me. But I wasn't dying. Something so cruel wouldn't let me die so easily. They expected me to live, to be able to experience the pain you only felt in hell, and die slowly but surely.

I didn't know how long I had my head down against the ground floor but Naismith had demanded I lift my head like a 'so called warrior' I was. He could be wrong and he could be right, but I didn't know what to label myself. I thought I had it in me. I thought I was a warrior long time ago when I first risked my life trying to get the stone from the cave. All those things would have been a cake walk for me, at least that's what had seemed. But this---this was taking me to a whole new level I wasn't prepared for.

"Raise your head and look at me, women!" Naismith hissed, throwing the stone in the air before catching it. My head throbbed painfully from the blow and blood continued to seep out of my mouth like little droplets of savory water. I lifted my head, slowly but surely, and looked him in the eyes. Everyone around me had already considered this a failed mission. But my heart wasn't ready to accept this. I spat the blood from my mouth.

"I am death standing before you. You shouldn't look at death the way you are looking right now, little girl. Consequences can be heavy. I prefer my baits to lower their gaze and when they do look at me--they look at me with fear," he said, leaning down before grabbing my face into his hand. He squeezed firmly but his hold was painfully tightening. I winced. I feared him once before but not now. I already knew my faith so why fear the death? Only those feared that knew nothing of surprises. I wanted to spit on him and condemn him straight to hell for all I cared but I had no power of sort. I wanted to curse at him, so lift my hand and gauge his eyeballs out right out of his socket, but refrained from doing so. Such dire reaction from me could cause everyone's life. But I didn't hold back.

I spat on him, making sure drops of blood from my mouth touched him. I wanted him to taste what I was tasting. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling but ten times worse. Naismith chuckled before catching a bloody saliva from his lip and popping it into his mouth. I almost threw up. Almost. He enjoyed me in a state of pain and even made it taste good. Sick, fucking bastard!

"Justin, do you know what this is?" He said, pointing to me. Great, the bastard had officially referred me as a thing. Justin pulled on his chains, gritting his teeth. Damian chuckled.

"Father, don't you already know? Brother does not liking anyone talking bad of his beloved girlfriend. Spare him the time to answer that."

"Don't you think he needs to know? I think he needs to know what sick bastard you are for haunting her dreams, turning them into sick nightmares. Justin, did you know?" Naismith asked, challengingly. Justin growled, his eyes turning from two different colors. Molinda and the girls knew nothing of this and were shocked upon hearing it. It wasn't a big shock to me, however. I knew it was that fucker all along.

"We scarred her into thinking that maybe she'd react, you know, come running to us for a spare of life? " Damian said.

"But, alas, that didn't quite happen. Poor thing was giving herself up to you when you were constantly feeding off of her." I closed my eyes as tears rolled. The chains stopped rattling. Justin stopped fighting. I caught a small glimpse of him and saw a tear role down his face. I shook my head at him, reassuring him that it was alright. I didn't blame him for anything and I didn't want him to blame himself for anything. Naismith chuckled at me.

"We wanted this bond to break. But that didn't happen. I guarantee you, Justin, you probably have picked the right one. Your girl is smart. Cunning, too. But she failed to realize one thing. She can't fight us and expect to win. I called this a failed mission. But she almost got me! Damn right, she almost got me!"

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