Chapter 38 - Sandy

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       My head pounded but the faster it came the quicker it left. I was slowly reaching my consciousness which made me want to slowly open my eyes The surrounding around me was dark and conscious told me it was still a nightfall. I slowly sat up on the bed.

Justin was sitting in front of me with his head held low and in between his hands that rested on his knees. He looked overwhelmed and uncomfortable. My bottom lip quivered. I knew he was regretting everything he did to me. But I just couldn't say that about myself. Sure, I had put myself in line in every way but this was what I wanted. Somehow the pain in me had subsided. My neck wasn't hurting nor feeling numb and somehow it had healed up. Like nothing had ever happen. My hands had healed and there were no more third degree burns visible. I was back to my old self, hearty and perfect. Tears pooled in my eyes.

Justin's head snapped up and that's when I saw it. The visible look of remorse. His nose was red and his eyes were foggy. Almost like he had cried. Then in moment of heat, he got up and charged at me. Justin grabbed me, pulled me in to him and held me tight as if his life depended on it. With one hand, he grabbed the back of my head and held me onto him. I reacted almost immediately as I succumbed myself in, drowning myself into his warmth and comfort. I closed my eyes and within seconds everything hit me all at once. My mother's ignorance, the horrible nightmares, the terrifying images of seeing dead people, the pain I endured while wanting to succeed, and fearing of loosing my dearest ones especially the man I really loved.

I could handle anything in life but loosing Justin was something I just didn't want to ever go through. 

"God, I thought I lost you," Justin deeply sighed, inhaling the scent of my hair in while his fingers dug deep into my scalp. I leaned in to his touch.

"You're not loosing me this quick," I smiled, wanting a little humor to slip out. Justin finally cracked and I grinned.

"Hopefully not and never. How are you feeling?" 

"You magically heal my wounds and then ask me how am I feeling? I feel amazing. I don't ache nor burn. How'd you do it?" 

"You go out and explore the deepest, darkest world you aren't familiar with, come back with a fucking stone, empower me with powers I was never familiar with, succeed, then ask me how I did it? Come on, Ms. Misty. Be practical."  His lips twitch and he cracks the sexiest lopsided smile I have ever witnessed. Humorous supernatural, I like it. I could always get used to this. 

I playfully hit his shoulder and shook my head.

"You, as ever, will always find a way to throw me under the bus," I accused, rolling my eyes.

"Don't mess with the fire, you will get burned. That's what they say, don't they?" I laughed. 

"Why, Mr. Rivers, I am amazed."

"Come on. I need you in bed, now." Playful Justin was my undoing. I smacked my lips together in playful disgust.

"What will people say?" He tilted his head to the side as if I had said something remarkably stupid. 

"Shut up." With then, he picked me up, threw my body over his shoulder like I weighted nothing but a feather, and walked me to the bed like normal being. I laughed.


Couple days of joy and pure bliss had passed by ever since we got to California. We had enjoyed ourselves, enjoying each other's company like we were the only two living without a care in the world and with no one to catch us together. But time was my worst enemy as our little trip to paradise had came to an end. 

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