Chapter 32 - Pleasure and Nightmare (Explicit)

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          I couldn't sleep. Was I more excited or nervous? I didn't know. Justin rubbed my back and even though it was soothing, it just wasn't doing me any good. I turned myself around and faced Justin. It was dark inside the room and the moonlight wasn't doing any good either. Right now nothing was satisfying but knowing Justin was laying next to me. 

"Can't sleep?" He whispered, pinning a stray hair behind my ear.


"Figures. You slept quite a lot in the car." I smiled.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked, climbing on top of him. Justin was shunned for a second. 

"It's hard for my kind to sleep at night."

"Can I drive tomorrow morning?"

"And end up damaging my car? No thanks," He joked, cracking a smile. 

"It's not right to have you drive the whole thing and not have me helping at all."

"Who says you're not doing anything?" 

"What do you want me to do?" Justin remained silent for a good minute. I waited impatiently for him to answer. Then the position was switched and suddenly I was being flipped and below Justin. 

"I know what you can do." Justin leaned in and stopped just inches away from my mouth. With what he was saying, I quickly understood. But what I didn't understand was what I really had to do. 

Inexperienced, and innocent. Was I ready for this?

I bit my bottom lip and swallowed a dry lump in my throat. My heart thumped painfully against my chest again and what threw me off guard was how my body was automatically reacting to him. My sensitive spot in between my legs rubbed against his pelvic area. Justin growled silently as he neared me.

"I'm not going to push you into doing something you don't want to do, sweetheart. There is a boundary that I respect." Justin was going to pull away from me but I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist. If he can help me out then so can I. Right?

"I want this," I said, my voice minimally low for my own being. Justin looked me deep into my eyes. 

"No you don't." 

"But I do," I said, lifting myself up to climb on top of him. My audacity shocked both him and I. What was I doing? Was I really ready for an intimacy like this? This was not stupid. I thought about it twice before I made my way up to this; however, I was being careless.

This is my teacher

I ought to push myself away from him and keep a good distance from him only until I get what I am looking for. But I was quickly surprised with what happened next. Normally, I would be scared and would jump away from him.

"Push this student-teacher chemistry aside for a little bit. I'm not a teacher here and you're not my student right now. Then tell me, what do you feel?" His words dug deep into me and until my brain picked up every bit of it. Push aside the student-teacher chemistry aside? If I forget that I was never his student and he was never my teacher for just a couple of minutes or so...

...what does that lead us to?

I bit my bottom lip. Then magically, the lights start to dim. The doorknob clicks and the curtains draw a little. I was perplexed a little and knowing Justin had used his witch powers really drew me into him. I watched in wonder and then locked my eyes into his.

"Witch powers?" Justin nods with a smirk and suddenly the roles are switched and I wind up underneath him.

"Tell me. What do you feel?" He questions again, winding my arms above my head. What do I feel? I closed in the gap between us as I leaned up and kissed him. This was not a simple kiss that I held on to for the longest time since the car ride but a longing, passionate, wanting kiss that broke me out of my own misery. Justin didn't react and to think was a rejection, I pulled away. I swallowed a dry lump in my throat the more I watched him the more my needs grew. Had he rejected me?  Does he not want me?

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