Chapter 27 - Forgive me yet?

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I woke up almost too soon again and realized I hadn't gotten a proper sleep since. All I wanted to do was sleep but the excruciating pain was taking over my body. I went into, both, physical and emotional pain and it was hard for me to get out of. Then I felt warm hands around me.

He was here. With me. Comforting me through everything from last night. And what eased me the most was the fact that Sandy wasn't here anymore. But there was a sickening feeling in me that told me Sandy hadn't left yet.

Waking up at five again was becoming some sort of habit for me. I didn't know what to do at this hour. I slightly sat up to see weather Justin was fully asleep or not. To my surprise, he was. This vampire slept more than me now a days. I slowly, yet discreetly, got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. I took small steps, rubbing onto my temples. I felt horrible. My body was still in some sort of pain I couldn't lay my hands on and my heart kept skipping a beat. If I knew alcohol did this to a person, I would have stopped myself.

I succeeded in entering the bathroom but not quite all the way. I grabbed onto the sink and got myself up before I fully fell down on the concrete. Silent tears rolled down my face as the pain in my head took over. I wanted to scream and yell but I bit my lip from doing so. The pain was just too much, something I couldn't handle. I turned the water on, as low as possible, and washed my face. The cold liquid on my face felt somewhat soothing but not all the way. Maybe entering the shower would quell me down.

I stripped down, not all the way, when pure blackness hit me again. I grabbed on to something, anything, and instantly, my butt fell down on the toilet. I didn't force myself to get up again. I just sat there, on the toilet, with my palms covering my face. I soon realized that every bitter words out of Justin's mouth last night were true. If I was sober enough I would have made the right choice instead of rash decisions that almost got me kidnapped and raped.

I would have lost my virginity.

I got up, not bothering to take my bra and undies off, and stepped into the shower, turning the shower on. I didn't bother to bathe myself and just happened to stand there while the warm water poured down on me. I didn't know how long I was standing under the faucet, though, when the bathroom door flew open. I didn't look through the curtains to see who it was, instead, I just stood there, getting drenched. The curtains, immediately, slid through and Justin climbed in, wrapping his arms around my waist from the back. Soon, both me and him were under the shower getting drenched together. I didn't care weather I was half naked or not at this moment. I felt numb. Justin drew the curtains back closed and the dark light covering the bright one soon engulfed us. Justin nestled his chin in the crook of my neck and then lightly kissed it.

"I can sense, feel, and pinpoint to everything that happens to you or goes on in your head, with the snap of my finger," He whispered, trailing wet kisses down my neck. I closed my eyes at the feeling and something suddenly sparked through me.

"You weren't asleep," I stated.

"No. I wasn't. I never sleep. I just rest my eyes for few minutes and that's about it." He turned my wet body around so I was facing him.

"Being drunk hurts. It's excruciating," I mumbled. He observed me for few seconds before he ran his fingers through mine.

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