Chapter 21 - Articles revealed

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I unbuckled my seat belt from his car and looked at him.

"What if someone sees us like this? You could get fired and I could get expelled, you know?" I mocked, fixing up my hair.

"The car is tinted. I thought I told you this." He chuckled.



"About that homework—"

"You have to do it, you have no choice," He finished off. I squinted my eyes together and made a pft sound from my mouth.

"I figured I would get credit. I wasn't expecting you to say that though! I mean...I don't know any of this?"

"Who told you to go to sleep when I was teaching?" He snapped, muffling a laugh. I rolled my eyes at him and scowled.

"You're so boring when you teach! Your lectures are boring, your everything is boring!"

"Is that why everyone else in the class pays close attention to me? You don't see them falling asleep, do you?"

"They wouldn't sleep. Know why? Because they're always too busy starring at you!"

"Then why don't you stare? It's better than not paying attention," He mocked, winking. I brought my palm to his cheek and lightly tapped it, pinching it afterwards.

"Because, I have plenty of time to do all that. I can do it anytime I want, anywhere I want. The girls are just lucky in school. I'm lucky everywhere," I winked back.

"Consider yourself lucky. This teacher doesn't just hand pick out a student. You have to be chosen. That you are," He said, suddenly, grabbing my hair into a fist and pulling my face up to him. So sudden, but so right. My nose touched his nose and I was so ready for a full make out session again! In his car, right here!

And so we kissed. His lips touched mine in a very gentle-like way.

"See you soon," I said, pecking his cheek as a final farewell. I slipped out of his car and walked inside my complex, waving my hand in the air.


I washed my face, slipped on my extra long white shirt, that happened to be Justin's, slipped on my glasses, tied my hair up in a high messy bun and plopped my ass on my bed, pulling out my laptop from underneath it. I lightly tapped my keyboard, not really pressing anything, and looked out of my open window. The wind felt amazing on me and I felt like a little music could do the job. I turned my Ipod on to something smooth, and blinked.

Didn't I have that book from the library?

I pulled it out of my bag and lightly tapped on it. What should I research about? Where do I start from? I flipped open to the index page and searched up the contents. I slid my finger down the page to find a perfect page and then tapped on the right one.

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