Chapter 45 - Me or Her?

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    I wished every moment would freeze. I wished none of this ever happened. I wished this would just be a nightmare and I would wake up to everything being back to normal. But everything was real. Everything happened. I cried for hours and no matter how much I tried to contain myself, my poor heart would just hurt and my eyes would drain furthermore. 

Food tasted bitter. Water tasted toxic. MY bed was hard. The room was dark. No matter how I hard I tried to heal my heart, it would just crack more. I closed my eyes for the hundredth time today because every time I did, my brain would pick up old memories of mine and Justin's. I never wanted to happen, I never wanted us to be like this. New, hot and salty tears streamed down my face. My body ached as I laid down on the bed.

I brought the face closer to my heart, clutching it tightly as I stared  at the ceiling. I contemplated weather to dial the numbers or not. How strong was I? I couldn't stop crying and I knew my eyes were swollen. Could he not see this? Could he not feel his Rare Blood's pain?

I dialed the numbers and brought the phone to my ear after roughly wiping my tears off with the back of my hand. After few rings later, a voice echoed through the phone. My chest ached again.


"Mo-Mother?" I croaked, my voice cracking.

"Alex? Oh, sweetheart! How are you? Why haven't you called me? It's been a while, you know?" Mother rambled on and I noticed she wasn't drunk talking. A painful chuckle slipped out of my mouth.

"I'm fine, mother. How are you?"

"How am I? You have been missing out! I left that awful boyfriend of mine, by the way!" Now I was alert and for a second all my worries vanished into thin air.

"Say that again, please? Am I hearing this right! Did you leave him or did he leave you?" I was into this now. Mother laughed on the other side.

"I left him. I found out he was just using me for money." I kicked my legs up and laughed.

"I told you? But when do you ever listen to me?" I could practically hear her roll her eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever. Hey, did you know Monic from three blocks away died three days ago?" Now I was really alert, sitting indian style on the bed with my mouth open. Monic was our neighbor's little lab. She used to be our first block neighbor's dog before we moved couple blocks away. Now she was a third block party.

"Monic was adorable! What happened?"

"They say she ate something toxic from the outside food," she said, making a little choking sound. I chuckled.

"Dogs are idiots sometimes," I said. The line went silent for a long minute.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" she asked. I looked down but clutched onto the phone tighter.

"I could be."

"How are you and that boy?" I shifted against my seat a little and my smile faded. I just didn't know what to say anymore.

"I just don't know, mother. I Just don't know anymore."

"Why don't you come home for a bit?" The idea wasn't bad at all. I smiled a little.

"I will mother. How's Friday?"

"Perfect! I'll make your favorite dinner! You better show up or else--" I laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll be there!" I hung up the phone and with a sigh. I wanted to go home to my mother and just forget about all this. But I don't know If I should just give up or not. Did he give up on me? I sat up from my bed. I wanted my real answer today. I just didn't believe it. It's hard to. 

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