Chapter 29 -Midnight Magic

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    Justin and I walked hand in hand down the hallway and to where his bedroom was. It was so quite I could hear my own heart beating. Painfully and impatiently, that is. I wanted to look at him but didn't know if I could. So I just stole a quick glance at him then looked away before he realized anything. My body vibrated silently. Can he feel that? Can he feel how nervous I am right now walking with him?

Did he overhear his mother and I talk about something he shouldn't know of? 

Justin didn't tighten his grip on me, didn't look at me in an angry way or tried to harm in whatsoever. Should I relax now knowing no physical or mental harm is being put on me? 

"I can hear your heart." He says, breaking the uncomfortable and eerie silence that formed in between us.

Okay, his voice is not laced with anger. That's good. You're good, Alex.

"That's good, right?" I nervously laughed, looking away quickly. Once inside his room, he closes the door behind us. I'm surrounded by nothing but silence and darkness and the only light that engulfs the room is from the moonlight outside his balcony.

"It is."

"How was the meeting?" I ask, sitting down on his bed. Justin sits with me.

"Long and nice. I get to see my people after a very long time." Justin genuinely smiles down at me.

"Were they happy to see you?"

"They were. They don't often see their prince visit them. And they rely on us anyways," Justin chuckles, pulling me in closer to him. I snuggle into him immediately and welcome the butterflies erupting in my belly. I smile.

"Rely? What do you do for them?"

"When I'm not here my family provides them necessities. They keep them safe, and alive."

Keeping the dead alive. Here's something you don't often hear a lot.

"When you say your family--"

"Mother and the girls." Justin's respond was quick. Almost too quick for me to take anything in. Then I realized why. I wanted to ask about his father and brother and their duties upon them but remained quite as I didn't want to upset them.

"There's not much to know about my father and brother about this tribe other than wanting all my people dead. My mother, sisters and I have kept them alive and safe for centuries and out of my father's clutch."

"Kill their own kind?" 

"These are not his kind. His kind are manipulative, evil, and thirsty for blood. Mine are protected, safe, and nice. These people are not soul thirsty like my fathers' and that's the difference." Need not to say anything more. I frowned and digested every information he said into me. I rubbed his hand soothingly. 

"I'm not worried, Mine are protected," he smiles.

"How many are there like you?"

"There are thousands out there like me. Mine. Maybe one day I'll take you to my tribe and introduce you to them." Justin grabs my waist and pulls me to him until I straddle him.

"Will they will they.."

"They have to get used to a human like you first. You're a Rare Blood," he smiles.

"So they will harm me?"

"No, they will not harm you. Not under my watch. But you are human."

"I thought you said they are the 'good ones" I chuckle.

"They're vampires, not humans. They are still like me who thirst for nothing but blood."

"So they are not good, then!" Justin tilts his head to one side and looks at me like I have grown two heads on me.

"Maybe I'm going to have to show you my people. And then I'll take you to see my father's. Know the difference then. You're a smart girl," he winks. 

"I think I'll pass on that," I laugh. Justin nuzzles my neck.

"How was mother?" He asks, planting small kisses on the tender skin of my neck. I moan in appreciation.

"Mother was nice. Too nice. We talk about the weirdest things, agree with it, and then laugh at it like it all makes sense. We connect in a way a human being know..a witch shouldn't connect. I had an amazing time with her and she understands me like no one better." Mother Molinda reminded me once of my mother and the thought brought a tear to my eyes but I quickly dismissed it before it slipped down my face.

 "My mother is like that. Caring, sweet and always wants the best for others. That's the difference between her and my father."

"Every women should be like her."

"Oh, NO. Not everyone women. With kindness comes a price and she's not someone to go to when smoke comes out of her ears," Justin chuckles. I sit up straight now, alert.

"Smoke comes out of her ears? Literally?" 

"What?" Justin laughs and I can't help but to join him. 

"I would love to meet them, though." Justin leans onto me.

"And you will. What did you two talk about anyways?" I bit my lip. 

Justin, we talked about a lot of things.  I look at him.

"Everything." I look away and at the ceiling with a smile and soon we are both engulfed into a comfortable, bliss of nothing but silence. Justin pulls me in closer to him and I nuzzle myself into him. I watch and hear the big hand on the clock tick audibly. Every second made my heart beat faster. I watched the small hand on the clock make it's way on the center of the clock and exactly at 12.


Justin hovers over to my ear.

"Happy Birthday, Angel." I smile and simply press my lips onto his.

Happy birthday to me.


Author's note: 

Late chapter, I know :( THis is a small chapter too but I had to end it this way! I'm sorry guys! Bear with  me, it's going to get better! <3 Thanks for all the love! I love you all!

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