Chapter 39 - Purpose

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   Tropical storm. How stupid did she think we were? I would have known about this before hand. Justin would have known. Tropical storms don't just come without a warning. That's why we have televisions and people to run it. That's why we have news telecast. I wasn't shown anything? For god's sake, Tropical storms were rare in the middle of November. Was I the only one seeing this?

I fidgeted with my fingers as I walked into a room I didn't know anything of. I was upset and angry. I didn't know what to think at this moment of time. Why was she really here? Was this some type of a sick game Justin's father was playing on me? Tears pricked my eyes. Three hours had gone by and I hadn't heard nothing from Justin. I laid on the bed, all alone, wanting to catch some rest but I just couldn't.

The footsteps outside the door were apparent to me as my continuous, negative thoughts came to a stop. I was like a deer caught in a headlight. What would I say to him? Dammit, I hadn't even locked the door. The door handle moved, twisting and turning. For a long second nothing happened but then the door flew open slowly, knocking my balance off on the bed slightly as I jumped back.

"Why are you here, Alex?" he asked, closing the door behind him. I glared at him, clearly not wanting to communicate.

"Do I need a permission now?" I shot.

"No, not at all. Feel at home," he smiled, his teeth flashing bright. I was momentarily disoriented for a good second before I regained my conscious. He can't look at me like this and pretend everything is alright because it wasn't. He was suppose to be with me three hours ago. I blushed, embarrassed. I forgot this wasn't my home. I looked away.

"What's going on?" He asked, walking up to me. He sat down in front of me and grabbed my hand. His eyes sparkled as he looked at me. I saw nothing but concern and love for me. This man couldn't just leave me for someone else, right? Maybe I was overreacting. I sighed.

"Why is she here, Justin?" I whispered. Surely, this wasn't a coincidence. She wanted what was mine. Couldn't he see that? Justin scooted next to me.

"Relax, Alex. You're overthinking it. She apologized and let me know that coming in between us is not something she plans to do. I believe it, I suggest you start believing it too." My head snapped up and I looked at him, momentarily disoriented again. Was he hearing himself right now? I gave him all the powers he needed in the world and yet he was acting like everything was okay? What magic had she put on him? I wanted to say something to him but he beat me to it.

"Tropical storm or not, a tree really did fell on her roof. Construction is expected soon. Let it go, Alex. If you're fearing that she will beat you to me, then you're wrong. She's a good friend to me and she has backed off. She won't expose us nor will she try anything stupid." My mouth was agape. Was I really hearing this right? I shook my head. I knew what I sensed and saw in her the first time. My eyes can never betray me. It wouldn't. I sighed and shook my head in disbelief.

"Can't you figure her out?"

"I tried and I did. She's clear, Alex." Clear? Oh my god! For our sake right now, I can forget about this nonsense. I can also forgive Justin for ditching me for a witch like Sandy because maybe he's right. She could have backed up and it was my stubborn mind playing games on me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Alright, well can you at least just rest with me now? You have been driving all day and night!"

"Yeah, you're right. I am pretty tired. I need much sleep right now."

"You do?" I asked, amused. Justin chuckled. But he didn't lie at least.

"No, but for the sake of you I'll lay down with you." I smiled and nodded. Justin did as he said and laid next to me, cuddling me until every inch of me forgave him. He massaged my scalp with his fingers soothingly and kissed my forehead.

"So, have you been craving?" I asked out of the blue, facing towards him. Justin leaned down more into me.


"What about know? Powers?"

"I've gained much more than what I had before and I am not really used to it. I'm slowly following up to it but I'm more wanting it to come to me naturally. I'm not forcing anything nor triggering it."

"And it works for you?"

"This one is a little hard. Every error I find, I trial it. I can't help it and that comes naturally. But I have learned to control it. It's not easy but bit by bit I'm learning." I nodded in understatement, though this was way out of my understanding. Justin had given me the stone is keep it hidden and away from him because of his enemies. So, I kept his word and kept it hidden. But I think this is why he has his powers under control. Because the stone is now with him. Maybe it should be like that for the best of it. I looked away.

"I won't stop you from feeding off of me," I said.

"I know. And no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to keep away from you. But that's if my source of food runs out. You're my last resort." I chuckled but didn't say anything.

Long minutes had gone by before my body finally came to a relaxation mode. My body had become numb and my eyelids felt heavy. I was sleepy. Justin had his eyes closed but kept a good grip on me as he continued to cuddle. He was finally resting. I smiled. But just when I was about to let my sleep take over, a loud, grumpy voice came from outside the door followed by a bang. Our eyes flew open. I was alert now.

"Justin? You in there? I need you again! Please? This is very important!"

My blood boiled. Justin tightened his jaw. This bitch was doing this on purpose!

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