Chapter 47: Fear

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Ghost's POV

I walked down the steps of the castle with Hannah. "So he got caught last night?"

I nodded, "But not before planting the charges. They didn't find them. Power will go out soon. That's when I'll go get the hard drive."

Hannah sighed, "I can probably get the guards to leave Rain alone for a while, at least long enough to let him know the plan worked."

"How're you gunna do that? Guards have direct orders."

"They have orders to listen to the Legate, Von or me. They'll listen." She had a twinkle in her eye.

I looked down at my watch, "It's 1:45, you have 15 minutes until those charges pop. Ten until the first bomb blows. Twenty until the second bomb. There's no time for error here. You have to be able to get Rain the news, and fast."

Hannah nodded and walked around to the side of the castle. I jogged to one of the towers that stood around the kingdom and climbed it to the top.

There were two snipers sitting on top, and one smiled at me when he saw me, "Oh hey. What's up, Ghost?"

"Just came to think. Didn't expect anyone else to be up here."

The other sniper shrugged, "Von said he wants us up here from now on. Something about a Deserter that infiltrated the kingdom."

I nodded, "I heard about that. Not much we can do. But one man won't bring down a kingdom. He'll need more people to help."

I glanced down at my watch. 2:55

I looked out towards the far side of the castle. My bandana covered my smile.

A deafening explosion echoed through the kingdom and smoke filled the sky.

One of the snipers zoomed in, "Woah! What the fuck happened!?"

The other zoomed in, "I can't see anything! Too much smoke!"

An alarm rang out and I saw squads of soldiers sprinting towards the castle.

I put my hands on one of the snipers' shoulders, "Zoom in more!"

"You only use your katanas! Snipers can't just zoom in forever! And we sure as shit can't see through a cloud of smoke!"

I had to kill this guy. It would cause another distraction and create some more chaos. And I would never be blamed.

I shook his shoulders, "Lean forward then."

I pushed him and he fell over the side of the tower. I jumped back, "Oh shit!"

The other sniper lowered his rifle and looked at me, "Did he fall!?"

I tried to look shocked, and nodded.

The sniper dropped his rifle and sprinted down the stairs of the tower. "I'll get help!"

I looked at my watch again. 2:59

I saw a neon sign on a building flicker, then go out. The small clock sitting on a crate on top of the tower with me also went out.

Power was out. I shut my eyes and whispered, "I hope you know, Rain. Your suicide plan worked."

Rain's POV

"Get up." Water splashed on my face and I immediately felt the beating.

I could only open my right eye, my left was swollen shut. Two guards stood above me, and Von leaned against the wall opposite of me.

My hands were chained to the ground, but the chains were loose enough that I could move freely.

I was shirtless and in only my boxers. My legs and chest were bruised badly.

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