Chapter 56: For A Reason

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Bryn's POV

I woke up by Rain's side. He was already awake, but just laying there. He smiled at me, "Good morning, my wife."

I smiled and kissed him, "We've been married like 12 hours. This is great."

He chuckled, "Yeah."

He made breakfast and we ate, watching a movie that played on the TV.

We sat around talking and watching TV for a while. At noon, Rain stood up and put on his armor. He grabbed his gun and kissed me, "I have to go. Historia said she wanted to see me today. She said she had a special task or something."

Rain's POV

I walked up to Historia as she sat on her throne. She smiled at me as I walked up, "Enjoying being married?"

I nodded, "We've basically been married for the past few months anyways, but now it's official."

She smiled, "Well I'm glad your happy. Now, my special task isn't actually that hard, it's just sort of a tradition. The day after a wedding, the groom goes out for a hunt and brings back a deer or some type of meat for everyone. Not really necessary, it's just a traditions we like to follow."

I nodded, "I'll go then. I should be back in an hour or so."

I walked down the mountain trails and walked through the trees looking for prey. There wasn't much. Some rabbits and birds but nothing large enough to feed the kingdom.

It felt good to hunt again, even if I wasn't finding anything.

Almost an hour had passed now and I still hadn't found anything.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a doe. I readied my rifle but she pranced off through the trees.

I jogged through the trees. I eventually came to a clearing where the doe stopped to drink from a puddle.

I crouched and aimed my rifle, I held my breath and lined the iron sights up with the doe's chest. A single shot would hit the heart and kill her instantly. She wouldn't feel it.

My finger pulled slowly back on the trigger. The sky lit up bright yellow and orange and the deafening sound of a fleet of hovercrafts flew above the trees. The doe sprinted away.

I looked up to see dozens of hovercrafts flying towards Elder's Peak. Some of them were firing missiles, others were shooting machine gun rounds.

I sprinted towards Elder's Peak.

Marc's POV

I sat on the wall near Tali's guard tower. Rain walked by and went out of the kingdom, into the forest in search of food for us.

I sighed. Tali looked down at me, "What's wrong, Marc? You seem sad."

"I'm always like this."

"But you seem extra sad today."

"I don't know. I'm sorry. Today just isn't a good day, for anyone."

She leaned forward, "What makes you say that?"

I walked away, towards my home, "I'm sorry. It's just not a good day."

I went into my home and laid my rifle on the bed. I leaned against the wall and slid down. I let out a lungful of air.

I grabbed my backpack and opened it. I pulled out my wallet and opened it. My Lightstone ID fell out. I flipped it over so that I couldn't see my picture. In my wallet, I had a second picture. I took it out and looked at it.

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