Chapter 16: Rats

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Nico's POV

Rain and Clara chase after Corvo as he sprinted out of the room.

I didn't bother chasing after him. He probably just smelled a cat or something.

I started helping Draco and Petra pack up our sleeping bags. I heard someone yell. It wasn't Rain or Clara.

Draco grabbed his gun, I grabbed mine, and even Petra grabbed hers.

Rain already had his with him. Not sure where Clara's gun was.

We ran out of the room and went down the hallway. Rain and Clara stood next to each other. A wall of fiends stood in front of them.

Corvo sat by a man in the fronts side. He looked down, "Good boy, Corvo."

He dropped a bloody piece of meat and Corvo ate it.

Bastard dog had been one of the fiends.

The man wore the white pants every fiend wore. He also had black knee high boots on and spiked knee protectors. He had black Old World military armor on with spikes on the shoulders and elbows. He had a silver breathing mask on, but it looked like it was just for show.

He had the sides of his head shaved and his long hair in the middle hung down over the right side of his head.

The plasma caster on his back threatened us to speak.

"Well well. You found my dog. Good job. Shouldn't have found my dog."

He reached down and petted Corvo's head.

"I'm Ral. These are my fiends. Violetta don't like brats like you runnin' 'round her land. She wants ya dead. Unfortunate for you. Fun for us. Lets make a game out of it. My boys here haven't seen good action in a while. We'll give you...hmm..ten seconds to run. We find you, you're dead."

Rain's hand went to his pistol on his side, "You guys are real assholes."





We turned and sprinted, without any indication as to where to go we all ran in different directions but didn't dare waste time to turn a different way.

I heard Ral as I ran, "Five...fourthreetwoone! Go!"

His fiends let out a cheer as they sprinted down the halls.

I ended up running back to the cafeteria. It was still flooded in here. I jumped table to table, to not make noise and hid behind the counter.

The door bursted open and two fiends walked in. A man and a woman. But they were twins.

Both had white hair and intense black eyes. They were both fairly tall, but the man was a bit taller.

The woman wore shin high brown boots and white pants. Her long hair hung over one shoulder. She had only a bra covering her. She held a pistol.

The man also had shin high boots but his were black. He was shirtless and had multiple tattoos covering his chest. He held a knife.

"Jay, why do you get the gun?"

"Because. I'm older."

"By two minutes!"

"Shut up! You're stronger! A knife would be better for you."

"Ahh. Where the fuck is this kid?"

The two started walking around the cafeteria. I could hear gunshots echoing from different places around the school. I hoped they hadn't found my friends.

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