Chapter 2: Royalty

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Bryn's POV

I sat in the parlor, with my old piano teacher, Mai Ling. For some reason, father always thought it was a princesses duty to know how to play a piano. I never liked it much.

We sat next to each other on at a table Mai was showing me sheet music for a new song. The song was an Old World song, called 'Amazing Grace'. I had never heard of it.

Suddenly I heard several guards run through the hallway, "The fugitives are on the run! If they escape into the outside, it'll be our heads! Hurry!"

Mai tried to bring my attention away, "Don't worry about them, Bryn. The guards are just doing their jobs, stopping crime."

"But, they said if they don't catch them, it'll be their heads. What do they mean by that? Will father kill them?"

"I'm sure King Tyrian has his reasons to want these fugitives caught, dear. After all, they're fugitives."

I was curious. I was never let outside of the castle much, father always said it wasn't fit for a lady to walk amongst the peasants. So naturally, I was hungry for any information I could get.

I stood and walked away from Mai, into the hallway. The two guards who normally guarded the doorway were gone, they must have ran with the others.

I stepped out onto the balcony and peered out above the Cloud District. This was the closest I ever came to the outside. To my right, I could see a large group of guards, grabbing their weapons and running outside of the castle. To my left, was a fleet of hovercrafts powering up.

I could see the Ocean District, the gate wide open but no one guarding it. Had every guard in Lightstone chased after the fugitives? What crime could they possibly have committed that would cause such urgency in their capture?

Mai walked up behind me, "Bryn, if you do not learn this song, your father will be very unhappy. Please, come back into the parlor. It is not a very difficult song to learn.

I was tired of this. Everyday, for as long as I could remember, I just sat in the castle. I remember being a small child, and mother always setting up play dates with the High Judge's daughter, Clara. But in time they stopped, my father began calling her a disgrace to society and I never saw her again.

All I wanted was to be free. Free from the boring castle life. I did not want to live my entire life, trapped behind these walls like cattle. I wanted to go out, to the outside world and just wander until I was content.

Father always tried to put fear into my heart of the outside world. He told me of the savages, murderers and rapists that lurked outside Lightstone. But if it was really so bad, why did merchants leave and always come back?

If I was going to get out, it had to be now.

I turned and looked at Mai, her pale grey eyes looking back at me, "Mai. I will just be a moment, alright? I just need to use the restroom."

"Of course, Miss Bryn. I'll be waiting for you in the parlor. I'm glad you reconsidered."

She bowed to me, as custom. But I did not pat her head, as I should have. I simply turned and walked quickly down the hall.

I went into my sleeping quarters, and grabbed a satchel, that I would sometimes use for school books. I took all the books inside out and filled the satchel with my essentials. Under garments, toothbrush, toothpaste, a water bottle, and a brush. I needed different clothes though. I couldn't walk around in the outside world in a ankle length dress with diamond encrusted, four-inch high heels.

I poked my head out and saw my maid walking by. "Yana, could you come into my bedroom a moment?"

"Why of course, Miss Elric."

I always hated when people used my last name. Elric. Just something about it, I always disliked the way it sounded.

"Yana, I hate to ask this of you, and you do not have to help me if you do not want. I do not want you to get hurt over my curiosity."

"What is it? I am your maid, it is my job to do as you please."

"Very well. I need clothes. But not royal attire. I need work clothes of peasants. And boots."

"May I ask why?"

"It would be better if you did not. Just please, get my the clothes, and hurry."

"Right away, miss."

She left my bedroom and came back in about a minute. "Here you are, would you like help putting them on?"

"Yes please."

Yana helped me slip out of my dress and put on the old working clothes. I had become so accustomed to wearing silk dresses and heels, that it was uncomfortable to walk in pants and boots. "Are all clothes so...itchy?"

"Yes. I'm afraid so."

"I will have to get used to it. Yana, fetch my coat."

"Of course."

After I was all situated and ready to leave and have a long hug to Yana. She had mentored me and pampered me over the years and I was sad to leave her. But it had be this way. I could not live within the walls another minute. "Yana, goodbye. Maybe one day I will come back. But I don't think I will anytime soon. Do not speak of this to my father. He will never have to know you helped me escape."

Before she could open her mouth to question me, I turned and ran down the hall. Every guard in the castle was outside, so the castle was empty. I ran through the large courtyard, and felt rain drip on my face, glad I had brought a coat.

I reached the left side of the castle, and found that several fleets of hovercrafts had already left, but some remained. A guard noticed me, but not my face, "Hey! You peasants aren't allowed here! Turn back and get your ass out of the Cloud District!"

I walked forward and looked him in the eye, "What is your name?"

" name?"

"Yes, fool, what is your name?"

"I am Captain Gavin Khan, who are you?"

"I am the princess of Lightstone, Bryn Elric."

"Ha! You peasants never cease to amuse me."

I took off my hood of my coat, showing my hair. Everyone in the kingdom knew my hair was black with white tips, and with my hair in a bun, it was easy to see my royalty.

The captains eyes lit up, "Oh! Princess Bryn, forgive me! I just..."

"Forget it. I need you to pilot this hovercraft out of the kingdom for me. I want to explore the outside world, you'll be my guard."

"Wh...what? Princess, this could lead to your father killing me! I would be assisting a royal family member escape. I'm afraid I cannot do that."

"Really? Because I could tell my father that you were failing to do your duty of keeping peasants out of the Cloud District."

"Oh no, miss. That won't be necessary. Please, sit in the hovercraft. We'll be leaving shortly. I'm sure your father will understand. Would you like me to hold your satchel?"

"No thank you. But do hurry. I want to be out of this damned kingdom already."

The hovercraft vibrated and lifted off the ground. Two other guards sat in the back with me. I stood at the window as we flew over the wall. I did it. I was free. Next stop, freedom.

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