General Information: Part 8

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Fiend Lore:

While fiends appear to be completely insane and evil, there is a method to their madness.

Hairstyles - A large portion of fiends are seen with one or both sides of their head shaved. The original fiends who over through the adults of Kinareth with Violetta are the only ones allowed to shave one or both sides of their head. Shaving the left side means that they killed their mother in the process, right means they killed their father. Both means they killed both parents. These fiends were rewarded and are respected by all other fiends, including Violetta.

Clothing - Every fiend wears a pair of white pants and boots. These are signature to Kinareth style. Those who wear boots to their knees were from richer families. Those who wear boots to their shins were from middle class. Boots to the ankle represented very poor or even homeless families. Many fiend leaders were from the poorest families. Violetta respected them and allowed them to move through the ranks.

Drug use - Kinareth was never a good kingdom to begin with. Murders, thieves, and rapists ruled the streets. Drugs were very common and easy to find in Kinareth. Due to Violetta being beat by her father, she had to take pills to ease the swelling and pain. These pills were an addictive drug. She wanted more. She searched and searched until she found the drugs she desired. By this time, the fiends already ruled much of the wasteland. Fiends worshipped Violetta and tried to be like her as much as possible. One by one, fiends became drug addicts just like their glorious ruler.

Names - Fiends often change their original names as a way to show that they've moved on from their old life in Kinareth. Violetta very much liked Old World punk and metal music, so the fiends try to change their names to a have a more punk feel, to please her.

Identification - Most fiends that are still sane take offense to being called 'fiends'. When the fiend army first began they called themselves Violetta's Army or Renegades. However, over time, the more drugs they consumed, the more their bodies and minds were warped and twisted into the vile fiends they are today. People of other kingdoms began calling them fiends as an offensive slang term, and it eventually stuck.

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