Nix and Eiri

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With Eiriell's help, the unlikely trio managed their way towards the great elven city of Eostrun.

Lionheart refused to pull a cart, Phoenix compromised and packed into two bags the things they wanted to keep. Eiriell wore one while Phoenix wore the other. The elven girl changed out of her ripped white dress and into another spare dark tunic. She didn't have any shoes or sandals or even a belt since the adult ones were too big. Phoenix made due by rolling up the pant legs the best she could and tucking the excess tunic material into her trousers. She was thankful that she had a belt to hold everything together.

Phoenix mentioned that it didn't matter since her foot was without a doubt broken, the left ankle swelled considerably in the night and Eiriell barely managed by hobbling around the campsite together. Phoenix felt better with the extra supplies, she even took the daggers from the dead elves after gathering the courage to go and check their bodies.

They didn't have what Phoenix was looking for, potions to help with wounds. Despite the medicinal plant Eiriell put on her left hand and head, they both still throbbed with pain from time to time.

Lionheart trotted at an easy pace for Eiriell, both her and Phoenix rode astride on Lionheart's back. Eiriell made a comment of how soft his plumage was, the pearly white of his feathered mane, and the silky feel of his brown fur coat. Phoenix knew Lionheart was eating out of the palm of the girl's hand by the way his tail flicked back and forth at the compliments.

"You're only feeding his ego." Phoenix exasperated with a roll of her eyes.

"He deserves some compliments for all that he's doing for us." Eiriell responded.

There was a hard thwack at the back of Phoenix's head, she complained out loud to the beast about slapping her with his tail but Lionheart only responded with a huff of air through his nose.

"Don't listen to Phoenix, she's only jealous that she can't be as strong as you." Eiriell scratched down at Lionheart's neck which only served him to puff his chest out in pride.

"Right..." Phoenix trailed off, her blue eyes looked around to take in the forest scenery. The eldest Stroud daughter understood what her father meant by the air being tinged thickly with mana. If Phoenix closed her eyes, she could feel the corporeal feel of the magic against her skin. It tugged at something deep within her, but she didn't know what it was exactly.

Maybe it was her own magic which she had yet to grow into.

She thought about how Eiriell said it was easy for her to do magic. Maybe it was because of Eostrun and the Werenluna Forest. That would explain why her mother talked about visiting while there were stars in her eyes.

Phoenix bit back a frown as she thought of her mother with her light blue eyes and honeyed hair that smelled like cinnamon and all things wonderful.

"How old are you?" Eiriell asked, it was a companionable silence for a while.

Phoenix looked at the elf who sat in front, she looked back over her shoulder to look at the human child.

"Eleven summers." Phoenix responded.

"No." Eiriell nearly fell off of Lionheart if Phoenix hadn't caught her by the waist, "You're younger than me."

"By how much?" Phoenix narrowed her eyes.

"I'm twelve summers now." She said with pointed pride.

"I'm taller than you." Phoenix quipped back.

"Please, I can't stand up straight all the way, I bet I'm taller." Eiriell looked forward.

Phoenix smiled to herself, "Regardless, I'm at least half-a-head taller than you, Eiriell." She said her name in such a way that it made Lionheart turn his head slightly over his shoulder to observer the two.

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