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He wasn't happy, she could tell but couldn't bring herself to care.

Eiriell threw Rollin's letter into the fire.

Three times now she had rejected his offer for marriage.

Each time the elven city Aethel, a city known for its bustling trade because it was right next to the Narrows, had felt the wrath.

It started with bandit attacks.

And then pillaging.

And then a contingent of human soldiers being sent to the elven side of the Narrows for 'protection of the merchant convoys' since 'Eostrun has been insufficient'.

Eiriell had grown cross, the human city of Redwood, which was on the human side of the Narrows, wasn't subjected to any of these sudden increase in bandit attacks and pillaging of merchants.

She wasn't stupid and she'd be damned if she'd allow Rollin's poisonous promises and propositions would sway her to give herself willingly to the human Crown Prince.

There was a strain across Aldernan's resources. Kal Darom had been a key port to conduct their business and exchange their goods for gold and other precious stones. But Endrim had cut-off trade with Brilux – and by extension, Eostrun and Dolan.

The new dwarven King mentioned that he would re-negotiate trade once Kal Darom recovered from the civil war.

The letter also blatantly stated that they discovered a dozen emptied enough gold mines during the Aldernan Coalitions stay in Kal Darom.

Ailduin was furious, the same could be said of the Beastmen Royalty when they learned of this – it was obvious who collected all the gold.

King Jerrick had offered to both countries aid should they choose to re-enter the Coalition, the King Jiro Shoukon sent to Jerrick the remaining procession of the humans who still participated in the exchange program.

Kieara had stayed back in Dolan, the woman unable to return to Tetran or else risk arrest for deserting the Tetran Army before her commitment was up. But she chose to stay by Ryosuke through it all.

Theoden was sadden to see Arthur go, Eostrun had followed suit for the slight. Eiriell smiled and remembered that Arthur would live out the rest of his commitment teaching at the Brilux Royal Institution with Olena until his yearlong obligation to Brilux was done.

Eiriell whispered to Arthur to send a letter and that he can come back. Theoden was happy to hear and mentioned he'd wait patiently.

A year to an elf wasn't much in comparison to the long lives they all lived. But Theoden wanted to be a part of Arthur's as much as he was able.

The only means of communication now between the three countries was through messengers, Eiriell and Ryosuke refused to set foot back in Brilux.

She sighed heavily and then sat down on the chair, they had to figure out something, the Narrows was Eostrun's main means of sending their goods out to Jishora and Tetran. Yn Asari's port was on the other side of Aldernad from Jishora's main port, meaning that their ships had to cross waters patrolled by Tetran... or else try to sail north and disappear like the other ships that have tried to brave the waters of the Dark Territory. Save for their flying beasts, Tetran was a strategic wedge between the beastmen and elves.

Things between Jishora and Tetran's borders had remained calm, something Rollin would point out in his letters.

How the people seeing a union between a human and a beastman was enough to assuage their fears towards Jishora.

How the same could happen if the people of Tetran saw a similar union between Tetran and Eostrun, especially with the Crown Prince and Crown Princess.

How much stronger they would be together.

Eiriell fought the urge to scream out.

It was midday and instead she went to Folmer, demanding a sparring session to release the rage within her.

The thing that made her livid was how every passing day was pushing Eostrun closer and closer to war.

Elnaril and Ailduin had spent many days behind closed doors talking. Discussing. Looking at maps. Estimating supplies.

Ailduin had never fought in a war, but Elnaril had led the elven people through one over 150 years ago against demons that tried to expand out from the Dark Territory. Dark elves that were known to roam the Dark Territory in tribes had united under one. Before the demons and creatures could break past the Ancient Estercier Forest, Elnaril had taken upon herself to rally her people in an attempt to contain the threat before it got too big. They warded off the threat from the Estercier Forest, Elnaril had seen the Dark Elf fall in battle and ensured the wards and barriers were erected once more.

Elves were peaceful by nature, content with being in their own lands within the Werenluna Forest. They weren't overly ambitious to the point they were greedy, they were only protective of what had always been there since the beginning of times.

And with Tetran forces mobilizing now within their borders...

Eiriell pivoted the elegant blade in hand, quickly disarming Folmer. 

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