To Brilux, Once More

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"They're idiotic and daft!" Eiriell yelled out in the private study of her father, her Grandsire sat in the corner. "Brilux should have listened when we told them to send the Queen back!"

"Eiri – "

"No!" The Crown Princess turned towards her Father, "What is the point of this Coalition if we can't even compromise on what's best for matters that impact us all!"

"We agreed to follow King Jerrick's lead on this because he was friends with the late King." Ailduin buried his face into his palms.

"And so, we sent our own countrymen to their deaths over a pointless war." Eiriell seethed.

"So much rode on the success of this campaign for the budding coalition." Ailduin tried once more, "Eiriell, you know what the implications would have been for this trying peace if we didn't support Brilux in this."

"Despite the fact that we knew this 'Righteous War' to be a farce for their coffers?" Eiriell snapped once more, her usually bright gaze was blood shot and hollow, "You should have let me go – "

"No!" Ailduin banged his hand on the table, "So that you could have been swept up in that pointless madness too?"

"Because I would have been there with Nix to protect her!" Eiriell hollered at the top of her lungs. "I would have been there with her!" Her elegant voice was raw.

Elnaril stood, she reached out to put a hand on her granddaughter's shoulder. But Eiriell shrugged it away.

"I refuse to placate the Royal Wolfsbane Family any longer, their greed and self-centered aspirations will be their downfall and I will not let them drag me or my Kingdom down with them." Eiriell closed her eyes and breathed in deep.

Ailduin began to speak, but Elnaril looked at her son with a great sadness in her eyes.

"Politics can wait, tomorrow we all have to be prepared to go to Brilux." Elnaril cut in, Ailduin was no longer arguing but instead bearing the brunt of Eiriell's wrath.

Eiriell hung her head and closed her eyes.

To Brilux, once more. 

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