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Valyria had locked herself in her study.

Orion was somewhere along the beach.

Wren sat with his head in his hands out in the yard.

Tristan Howell tightened the grip on the hunting knife he once gave away. Wren simply told him to keep it as a memento, but the weight of it was too heavy for his hands to keep hold.

He went to the vast graveyard nearby the Brilux Royal Palace, intent on finding the headstone amongst the uniformed row that signified each person's valiant military service. He had been there before, when they erected the headstones for all the people who didn't make it back.

Tristan couldn't forget the sight of Phoenix Stroud clashing bravely as the ones who stayed behind to cover their retreat fell one by one. Despite how strong Phoenix was, how talented she could wield sword and magic, she was all on her own.

Before he disappeared to the surface, he caught sight of Belot Greyarm amongst the forces that were surging to the top. There was a promise in the Belot's eyes.

That'd he'd make sure Phoenix would get a warrior's burial.

Seeing the surface of Kal Darom was watching a lid close on Phoenix's casket.

There was a convoy leaving the next morning to take him back to the country side where Penelope and his father and the rest of his village awaited him. No doubt with bated breath to hear of his fate in the war across the ocean.

He caught sight of a peculiar group, as he got closer he recognized one of the figures immediately.

And he dropped to his knees to give proper respect to the Wolfsbane Princess and her royal guards.

"Stand, please." Reina motioned for Tristan to rise, "Like you, I am here visiting a friend. Don't mind us and find your loved one." Her eyes were red and then looked down at the headstone.

Directly in front and kneeling with her head to the top of the stone was someone straight from the storybooks, an elven princess.

And then behind the headstone was the storied Beastman Prince and by his side was his human lover that he'd charmed – as the rumors go on.

Tristan took stock of the group, the mix of elves and beastman and humans that stood over the headstone.

The headstone of Phoenix Stroud.

"I... I'm here for Nix." Tristan said limply.

Galen Pike perked up, his eyes taking stock of Tristan, "You were the Sergeant-in-Charge for her outfit."

The Elven Princess seemed to pause.

Tristan nodded, "I... I was. I'm assuming you were her classmates from the Institution?"

"She talked about us?" Arthur looked over at the man.

Tristan nodded, "A lot..." His eyes glanced towards who he recognize to be someone very important to Phoenix despite never meeting her, "When she mentioned you, she always had a look in her eyes... like she was seeing the sunrise for the first time."

Eiriell looked up at the man.

"I'm Tristan Howell, I knew Nix from her time in the countryside." He took out the hunting knife, "I gave this to her as a parting gift when we were kids. I thought it be appropriate to leave this here."

He looked down at Eiriell.

Softly, he took a knee next to her, "But I think I was meant to bring this to you."

Eiriell took a look at the familiar hunting knife.

She surged forward and wrapped her arms around Tristan.

The two sobbing silently with an old hunting knife between them. 

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