Isle de Luna

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The sun shone warmly within the great blue sky above them. The ocean waves refreshingly cool while it lapped at the silky shore and a pitter patter of footprints decorated the retreating surf. It was a simple game of tag that the group was playing around with. Currently, a young man who didn't look any older than his seventeenth summer attempted to swat at the air.

But upon closer inspection, the young man had beautiful translucent wings that rivaled the color of poppy flowers which decorated Isle de Luna's sole mountain at its epicenter.

The air he waved his hand around in revealed a figure not much bigger than the width of his hands.

The pixie fluttered about while laughing with wings like a dragonfly shimmering in the mid-morning sun.

"Come on Indigo, you're never going to catch them like that!" Another fairy with long lavender hair teased her friend. Her big cat like eyes twinkled humorlessly while watching her long-time friends buzz around each other on the shores of their home.

"How about you come over and try being 'it'?" Indigo huffed out indignantly, he blew at a strand of his indigo hair to come out from his eyes. With eyes like his other fairy friend, he narrowed his feline gaze at her.

Alina giggled, her wings fluttered ever so lightly with her bare feet dancing around the white sands, "We all know what'll happen when you try to tag me." Her rose pink iris flashed for a moment and at a whim the waves grabbed at Indigo's feet and pulled him to the sand.

Indigo sputtered, sand getting everywhere.

The pixies paused in their flight like hummingbirds so that they could appreciate the spectacle with full bellied laughs.

"Stop laughing, Puck, before I summon the breeze to blow you up high into an eagle's nest again." Indigo limply delivered the threat while he picked himself up.

Puck, one of the pixies with light green eyes, merely widened his grin, "I'll just have Alina deal with you again."

Another pixie clapped her hands together, her tiny hands producing a glimmer of light before spiraling upwards ever so slightly, "Come on, let's see if they've got lunch ready in the village.

"You're always thinking about food, Kara." Puck teased but followed the trail of his sister.

She waved her hand, the two fairies following behind her too, "They didn't have any of my favorite fruits this morning and they're delicious this time of year."

"We could have just gone and got some then." Indigo said, he chose to walk with his wings folded up.

Kara waved her hand, "The human said she'd get some for me since she went out into the jungle for training this morning with Nightshade and Briar."

"You need to treat her better, Kara. She's been nothing but kind." Alina cut in.

"She's still a human." Kara floated backwards now, "An uncouth, ill-mannered, greedy – " The pixie was cut off by a low hanging vine that managed to interrupt her flight.

She fell to the floor in a sprinkle of light and magic.

Puck and the others proceed to laugh.

"That's what you get!" Puck chastised with his arms crossed.

Kara rolled her eyes and took flight once more, a trail of laughter following while she led the remainder of the way to their village.

The jungle trunks towered high, but none could compare to the great trees within the Estercier Forest that the elder fairies and pixies would tell tales about. A clearing opened up that was relatively empty save for a hut that was built to accommodate the newest addition of Isle de Luna.

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