Sixteenth Summer

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"One more time!" Wren Stroud bellowed loudly at his opponent.

They both wielded practice swords in their non-dominant hand. The point of the exercise was to strengthen his student's dexterity and nimbleness.

Phoenix did want to wield the swords the same way that her father does.

She stood almost at an even height with her father, Phoenix's Coming of Age Name Day had taken place during that spring. Phoenix Stroud was an adult now of sixteen summers. For the past four years, Phoenix went to school at the Wyvern Youth Seminar – a well-known school for the commonfolk to learn basic academia and sword forms. Many students would go on to try and apply for the Brilux Royal Institution to further their education and most importantly, secure a well-off job with the palace. Sometimes, they would take their education and try their hand at becoming an Adventurer.

Whether it be enlisting into the Royal Tetran Army, becoming a coveted Palace Guard, or even an apprentice with the Royal Mages.

Valyria had gained employment to the Palace Court through her connections at the Brilux Royal Institution.

Wren had managed his Palace Guard Captain position due to his reputation and experience earned during his time as free-roaming adventurer.

Phoenix Stroud had yet to decide what it was that she wanted to do. Though Wren would often catch his daughter looking either right at the sky above or climbing up somewhere high to look at what was east of the Great Granite Range in the distance.

The year Phoenix spent away from her family had made his daughter shed the last vestiges of her childhood. It was a thought that made Wren and Valyria sad from time to time.

But it made Valyria beam with pride when Phoenix came into her magic a few months after returning back to them. His wife had done extensive studies based off of what Phoenix had told her of the experiences and lessons she had in Eostrun. Usually, it wasn't until you were close to a Coming of Age that one's magic would manifest. Valyria concluded that it was a combination of the rich mana environment and what Phoenix had inherited from her gryphon that enabled her magic to manifest.

And it was strong.

But that didn't mean much once Wren managed to parry and counter-attack his daughter's strike with the practice blade.

Dark blue eyes scrunched up and calculated the next move. Phoenix's short-pixie hair danced about with each quick step and her left-hand struck out confidently for the follow-on strike. Wren's dark eyes looked down at his daughter's hand, the scars at her wrist and palms softened, but Phoenix would often wear gloves to try and hide them. Except for when she was at home or around people she was comfortable with. Phoenix became very aware of strangers staring at her scars, the questions were always the same.

And Phoenix grew tired of trying to answer or explain to them.

Wren had seen his daughter grow cross once when one of Valyria's colleagues refused to believe her story.

How impossible it was for a child to endure such things.

Phoenix answered it by summoning a whirlwind strong enough to lift her form off the ground, the glow of the gryphon mark on her chest shone through her tunic.

Valyria scolded Phoenix afterwards, advising her daughter about how unwise it was for her to flaunt the gryphon mark.

Because it was a mark of a beast core assimilating with her own mana core.

Two quick strikes lashed out with the intent to disarm, Wren flicked his wrist and parried them easily. He could see how frustrated his daughter became, but Wren knew it wasn't fair because he was so adept at wielding the sword in both of his hands.

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