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Phoenix bounded up from the second floor of the female dormitory, Kieara and Natasha were properly settled and had met their roommates while Phoenix had yet to meet her own. She stopped in her tracks when a trunk nearly toppled down the stairs.

"Got it!" Phoenix yelled out quickly while her hand shot out to the handle of the trunk before it could tumble down. With a bit of magic, her arm easily flexed and she caught hold of the item. She took note that the leather of the trunk was expensive.

Phoenix trained her gaze upwards, there was one other guy trying to help but they both looked winded from trying to get up to the third floor.

"Does no one know gravity magic to make these float?" Phoenix easily carried the trunk up the steps, still imbuing her arms with magic so that she didn't fall over from the heavy case.

"I do, but I'm just about winded from trying to help the other students." The guy called out, "Nice catch, by the way."

"Thanks," Phoenix flashed a smile, "Where is this going?"

"My room." A young woman with a light voice stepped forward, Phoenix immediately took to the light grey gaze and saw how her wavy hair was of a dark brown color.

Phoenix kept the thought to herself. "I can help out."

"Are you a second year by chance? I noticed how well you were able to imbue magic in your arms back there." One of the guys asked while they followed the smaller woman in front of them.

Phoenix shook her head, "No, first year, it's something I learned from my parents before coming here."

"Who are your parents?" The guys asked, "I'm Ike, by the way. My father is a palace guard." He looked away sheepishly, "Though I suppose that doesn't matter here."

"It's alright." Phoenix noticed that they stopped in front of a room that was only two doors down from her own, "Phoenix." She simply said.

"Reina." The young woman with the silver gaze mentioned, she regarded Phoenix with a certain look. Phoenix had trouble trying to decipher what it was.

"Reina, a pleasure then." Phoenix responded with her most polite smile.

It wasn't hard to figure out that this was Reina Wolfsbane, Rollin's younger sister and Princess.

"Rei, did you need more help?" Phoenix nearly dropped the trunk she carried when the door opened, instead she made it seem like she was just trying to put it down on the ground from the get go.

Eiriell Elatoris stood at the doorway.

"This is my roommate, though I'm sure you recognize her from the assembly this morning." Reina introduced Phoenix to the Elven Princess, but the human commoner was busy trying not to fumble the trunk too much.

"Excuse me, Eiriell, my arms are burning!" Ike was red in the face.

"Sorry, Ike!" Eiriell apologized and stepped out into the hallway. Phoenix recognized how familiar Eiriell's tone was with Ike.

Ike Duron, noble son to the Captain of the Palace Guard.

Phoenix was still bent over on one knee when the Elven Princess stood over her. "Who's your new friend Rei?"

"Phoenix..." Reina looked down at her.

She took this as her cue to stand tall, the first thing Phoenix noticed was how Eiriell was still a head shorter than her. The next thing she took note was the amethyst bead around her neck did not justice to the real thing.

"Phoenix Stroud." She said in a low voice.

Eiriell simply stared, her gaze wide at the person before her.

"Nix..." She managed a whisper, her hand lifting up to touch Phoenix's shoulder, as if believing this were all a dream.

Phoenix gave a soft smile to Eiriell, she opened her mouth to say something.

"Nix! It's Fredrick! He's gotten into it with a noble's son!" It was Arthur and Natasha who were breathless from running up the stairs.

"Shit." Phoenix turned heel, she threw an apologetic look over her shoulder and made a dash down to the courtyard out front.

Arthur and Natasha struggled to keep up because Phoenix opted to jump down each flight of stairs, using a bit of wind magic to cushion her landing before bursting out into the day light.

Fredrick stood at the center of a singed courtyard, off to the other end was his opponent with his sword drawn. Phoenix could tell right away that the sword was enchanted base off of the searing flames that rolled off the blade.

Fredrick could be a scary man if he wanted to, instead he chooses to keep up a friendly and carefree demeanor most of the time.

This was not one of those times. There some singes on Fredrick's arms, Phoenix saw why when she didn't catch the handle of the great blade that Fredrick was well versed in. Instead, he was at the mercy of unarmed combat against his opponent.

And two more that surrounded Fredrick.

Phoenix wondered why Fredrick didn't move to defend himself from the next attack.

It was apparent why – Kieara, a woman who has easily bested Phoenix in past sparring matches, lay on the floor with blood running from her ears.

Phoenix didn't need much else to decide her next action.

She unsheathed her twin blades and with ease summoned a gale of wind to knock all three perpetrators on their backs. Phoenix went straight to man with the enchanted sword, her swords crossed at the noble son's neck. Her opponent didn't relent, instead trying to wave the sword up enough in order to have the flames graze at Phoenix.

She didn't give him the chance, using the flat of one of her blade's to easily knock the sword from the man's hand. With a dull clatter across the grass, the enchantment died out since no one held the blade.

"You've done enough stupid things in one day, I advise you stop there." Phoenix narrowed her dangerous gaze at her opponent.

"Nix!" Fredrick called out, the other two had managed to get back up and made a beeline for her back. Her friend reached out and managed to tackle one to the ground, but the other charged at her neck with a raised sword.

Phoenix grunted turned to block the first strike which would have been a lethal blow.

Only to trip and fall from the noble son grabbing at her leg and throwing her off balance.

Both of her opponents were getting ready to capitalize at the chance, and Phoenix began to summon magic in her arms.

Only for both men to stop in their tracks, frozen in place with wide eyes.

Phoenix looked across the grass.

Eiriell stood poised with a white elm wand at her hand, Reina and Ike by her side

Phoenix caught Galen approaching the scene, at his side was a professor.

Which was her mother.

Ah shit. 

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