Great Gryphon

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The roost turned out to be a stable for many winged beasts tamed by the elves, ranging from tamed winged-wolves and winged-panthers, to the storied pegasus, and even wyverns. Phoenix went wide-eyed at the assortment of beasts while they lay patiently within their stalls. Around them and taking advantage of the canopy's opening were more winged beasts flying leisurely through the air.

The roost was made of wood, smooth stone, and effortlessly blended into the ancient trunk. A stone platform jutted out from the ancient wood, Phoenix noted it to be a landing zone of the sort.

"Impressed?" Eiriell's voice tickled her ear, the princess maintained a steel grip at Phoenix's waist.

"Speechless." Phoenix looked about, "I'm just glad we didn't have to deal with a lot of the wild versions of these."

Eiriell removed one hand and buried it within Lionheart's fur, "It's because most beasts are wise enough than to pick a fight with a gryphon."

Lionheart looked over his shoulder, Phoenix could sense the swell of pride from within the beast's chest.

"Or your smell warded them off, tough to tell." Eiriell wrapped her arm back around the human child.

"I have half a mind to throw you off." Phoenix muttered back, her eyes caught sight of two elves dressed in what she guessed to be riding clothes. The fabric looked as soft to touch as the one she currently wore.

"T-This gryphon is huge!" One caretaker approached Lionheart, who promptly snapped his beak at the elf. The elf went wide-eyed at the slight and wisely chose to hang back.

"This is Tannyl and Shelara," The lead gryphon rider from before came astride to Phoenix, he sat shorter than the child still while on his gryphon mount.

Phoenix nodded and it finally became clear just how impressive Lionheart truly is.

"They are experts with caring for gryphons and can attend to Lionheart's wing." The rider continued on. "This is Phoenix Stroud, guest of Princess Eiriell and the former King, it has been decreed that the human – " A loud cough from Eiriell cut off the elven man.

"Excuse me, that Phoenix," The elf rider fought the urge to roll his eyes, "We'll be treated as such."

"Child, is this your gryphon?" Tannyl had his dark hair cropped short, his eyes reminded Phoenix of rose petals in the spring.

Phoenix looked down at Lionheart, the gryphon turned his head slightly to regard the child, "Lionheart is my friend," She reached down to scratch a spot behind the gryphon's ear, a low content rumble could be heard from his chest, "He's taken care of me and I would like for him to be cared for as well."

"By the gods and the Great Beyond," Shelara wore her long blond hair down, her light orange eyes were alight at the sight before her, "A child on such a great gryphon has never been heard of before." She extended her hand carefully this time.

Phoenix was about to say something, but Lionheart nudged his beak forward at her palm. She knew from then on that Shelara and Tannyl could be trusted.

Slowly, Shelara raised her other hand to gently hold Lionheart's great face. She touched her forehead gently against his beak and a low light emitted along with a hum that vibrated the air around them. Phoenix breathed in deep, she could feel a warm sensation from within her bones. Eiriell's sure hold is what kept Phoenix from falling off Lionheart at the unexpected sensation.

"Child, your bond with this gryphon is impeccable." Shelara had a gentle smile for Phoenix, "He trusts you completely."

"Impossible," The royal gryphon rider scoffed, "It takes years of patience and maturity in order to form a strong bond with a gryphon. This child looks barely past her eighth summer."

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