Stubborn Child

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It was in-between Eiriell's lessons, which Phoenix would also attend during the days, that the two got away once more on Lionheart's back. Tannyl tried in vain to convince them to at least put a harness on Lionheart, but the gryphon swatted the elf away before he was close enough to even try.

The Royal Gryphon Guards would always try to chase them down now, it became a game to both Phoenix and Eiriell to see in what ways they could outrun them.

They would always outrun them.

Today, Lionheart chose to go low into the Werenluna Woods. Twisting and turning through the brush and tree trunks until the flapping of wings and the indignant squawks of the gryphon mounts were drowned out by branches and leaves that separated them.

"You are the most majestic beast to ever take these skies." Eiriell praised once Lionheart slowed to a leisurely pace, they were still nearby Eostrun – the gryphon never strayed far from the city limits. Amethyst eyes glanced down at the mirror-like surface of a spring below them.

"What is it Eiri?" Phoenix was sitting behind the Princess this time and noticed where she looked.

"That... that's the spring I told you about before." Eiriell looked back at her friend.

Phoenix nodded in understanding, "Do you want to go?" She was hesitant to ask, but the question slipped out.

There was a pregnant pause, the forest seemed to still while Eiriell mulled it over.

"...Yes." Eiriell said quietly.

Lionheart screeched softly.

"We'll be fine, I promise." Phoenix squeezed her hands one her friend's waist, "I have my knife and Lionheart will look out for us." The hunting knife rested in a new leather scabbard, a swordsmith from the royal armory had sharpened and cared for the knife after he made the new scabbard.

Eiriell nodded, it was a quick descent to the spring.

Phoenix took in the sight of the babbling waterfall and the still surface of clear blue water that shined with the brightness of sapphire. The slippery shore was consisted of smooth pebbles, each one reminiscent of a diamond ring. Unlike the great trunks of ancient trees within Eostrun, these trees were skinny enough that Phoenix could wrap her arms around the lilac branches. Embedded within the blanket of the forest floor was an assortment of flowers and buds.

"This place is beautiful." Phoenix let out in wonder while her eyes took in the scenery.

Eiriell nodded, she patted Lionheart's head, the gryphon making it a point to stay by her side while they walked towards the water's edge.

"It's one of my favorite places." She smiled softly, "It takes forever for the palace guards and servants to find me out here." She touched at the glass surface and a gentle ripple echoed across the spring.

Phoenix sat down on the cool grass, she worked on rolling up the silk-texture of her trousers while watching Eiriell left up the hem of her light dress so that she could wade into the ankle-deep water. "This... this is where they took you." She stated clearly.

The Elven Princess paused, her abrupt stop causing a break across the surface, "...Yes."

Phoenix rose and walked to where Eiriell had stopped, she placed a hand at her friend's arm, "No one will be able to touch you while I'm here." She said once she caught the amethyst gaze.

Lionheart screeched, causing the two to look at him.

Eiriell let out a giggle, "No one will be able to touch me while Lionheart is here." She translated needlessly.

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