For Your Country

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"The longer we wait, the more time that bastard has to prepare for us!" Belot raged on, they were within the confines of Phoenix's private tent which was tucked away from the rest of the officers and generals and other ears that shouldn't be privy to this borderline sacrilegious conversation.

"We have to wait for reinforcements..." Phoenix gave limply, she downed the cup of mead. Belot had brough the barrel.

Belot only brought a barrel over to drink when he needed to blow off steam.

"Bullshit." Belot seethed, his face a cherry red while he drank what was either his sixth or seventh pint. "Nix, the dwarven officers are talking about this in their private rooms – how they'll push the offensive with or without the 'Aldernad Coalition'." He spat the title of the alliance between the three countries across the Ethereal Ocean.

"I know, Belot." Phoenix ran a hand through her dark hair that had grown to past her shoulders now, "General Ritten is displeased too, but the orders came from our King to withhold until rein-"

"So that your spineless Prince the Daring can lead this charge too?!" Belot bellowed.

"Keep your voice down, I don't trust we'll have our privacy if you keep raging." Phoenix regarded the dwarven Captain Belot Greyarm. The two began their companionship on the Frosted Shore.

The two became fast friends and learned that they could depend on one another quickly.

"The reasoning is that Prince Rollin will bring a fresh battalion to overwhelm whatever's left of Endrim..."

Belot slammed his pint, "Nix, you're not daft... the longer we wait, the thinner the ranks of the Kal Darom Royal Forces get." His earth-colored eyes held Phoenix's gaze. The true meaning of his words didn't go unheard.

The war wore down everyone – the dwarves being biggest victim of them all.

The last assembly where a messenger from Brilux presented a letter from the Queen was met with a lukewarm crowd. The words, though truthful and from the Queen's heart (as evident by the long letter written personally by her), only held one message that echoed the loudest amongst the dwarves.

That they would follow Brilux's lead in the coming offensive and following times to rebuild.

She clenched her jaw, "I've told that so many times to Ritten's officer cadre, you know this – you've told them that."

"The people need a leader... King Valdrok's son is too young to rule and the Queen, though she cares, only knows how to throw gold to try and make things better. Not any different than how the King was before... We need a leader." Belot sympathized, "What Endrim did to Valdrok was egregious... but he only did it because he believes that Kal Darom was becoming a pawn for the humans who only wanted our gold. Endrim believes that we are losing our way because of these gods forsaken gold mines that this city sits upon."

Phoenix remained quiet, she would let her friend continue on the conversation, something Belot knew he could do in confidence.

"You know as well as I that this kingdom welcomed King Jerrick's assistance as a means to avenge the King... but what's left to avenge if we haven't a proper monarch to follow?" Belot closed his eyes. "What's left of my country that only appeases a kingdom across the ocean?"

"What have we been fighting for then, Belot? What's the whole point of this damned war then?" Phoenix bit out softly, "For a year now I've fought... for a year I've been gone."

"Then maybe it's time to go home, then." Belot murmured, "Maybe it's time for my countrymen to stand up and do something for themselves instead of paying their way for it. This gold has warped into a curse than a blessing. This peace... peace has made us lazy. This peace has made us less than inventors and innovators. This peace..."

"War makes us cruel."

"Ever the poet, is that what you learned while you went to that fancy school?" Belot grinned behind his pint.

Phoenix scoffed, "I learned what a good mead tastes like, and it's not this shit." She guzzled down the rest of her pint.

"Your tongue is blind like your human sight." Belot shot back with a growing grin.

Phoenix Stroud shared a laugh with Belot Greyarm.

Her eyes flashed with something that was enough to make Belot stiffen his posture.

"So what of it then? Will your people push this offensive early or will the best of the Kal Darom Royal Army be gone by the time reinforcements get here?"

Belot closed his eyes and sighed, "We have a history and deep loyalty ingrained with the very earth of Oseth – not the gold that that's cradle within it."

Phoenix nodded.

"The one thing I did learn at that fancy school was that you need to stand for something, else you fall for anything." 

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