Dragons and...

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"Hey, Mrs. Stroud, is Phoenix home?" A boy with red hair and bright green eyes appeared at their door in the morning light. Valyria looked up from her book and tea, Orion sat with her at the family table with his own book in hand. Her youngest loved spending as much time with her possible, the youngest Stroud had taken a particular interest in magic recently and often asked many questions to Valyria.

"Hey Arthur, good morning." Valyria greeted back without standing, "Nix should be in the back practicing."

"Is she with her father?" Arthur asked to clarify.

Valyria shook her head, "Wren left this morning for the smithy so it's just her."

"So diligent." Arthur murmured and hastily made way to the yard.

Valyria smiled, she was glad that Phoenix was able to make more friends, especially after going to school at the Wyvern Youth Seminar. She did wonder what her daughter wanted to do, Phoenix mentioned that she'd announce her decision to her parents soon.

It would be easy for Phoenix to get accepted into the Brilux Royal Institution, not only was her swordplay almost as good as her father, but her aptitude for magic was fairly high.

Especially if it were wind related magic.


The young woman snapped her attention from the straw dummy that she was practicing her swings on and to her good friend. Her tunic was covered in sweat, the muscles at her arms and shoulder burned within the morning light and her torso was sore from the way her arms had to swing the sword over.

Arthur was a contrast to Phoenix, his talents more focused on his magic. He was better than Phoenix when it came to nimble uses of magic, but Phoenix's sheer power could easily overwhelm Arthur. The only other thing was that Arthur was adept with all forms of magic. He noticed that Phoenix really only excelled with anything wind related.

She was especially terrible with earth-based magic, the only thing Phoenix had a talent for when it came to the earth was imbuing magical essence with budding seeds or plants.

"Arthur!" Phoenix beamed at her friend, "I thought we were meeting at Kieara's house in a bit?"

"I did, but I heard about a procession that's supposed to be coming in today." Arthur leaned on the wood fence nearby, Phoenix was busy grabbing her canteen to take a long swig of water, "There's supposed to be a contingent flying in from the royal capital Dolna of Jishora, my father mentioned that they were bringing along their dragon riders." Arthur's fathered worked as a Palace Mage, he knew Phoenix's mother well from her time before.

Phoenix thought about it, how epic that sight would be of the beastmen flying in on their dragons. She had seen the wyvern contingent both in Eostrun as well as here in Brilux, but they were so much smaller than their much larger cousins.

Plus, dragons could breathe fire.

It was a popular tale about the Beastmen's Dragon Guard, they numbered less than half a dozen, but a pair could easily hold off a single battalion on their own.

Phoenix's eyes lit up, "Kieara and them could wait a bit then, when are they supposed to be getting here?" They had planned that day to hang out with some of their friends in town, Kiera and Galen wanted to check out the Adventurer's Guild together. Fredrick also wanted to tag along and then go meander around the Brilux Royal Institution Campus for a bit too and see if they could catch some of the students practicing. Natasha was also coming along for the whole ride the same Phoenix and Arthur were.

"Soon." Arthur smiled, Phoenix returned evenly and made a mad dash to hastily clean up the mess she made in the yard.

"We'll be back, mother!" Phoenix yelled through the door.

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