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Graduation went off without a hitch.

Arthur became a Palace Mage with a specialty in beast research – he was set to do an exchange program with Eostrun. Theoden was supposed to be his sponsor.

Galen became a part of the Palace Guard, a byproduct of the close friendship with Ike that developed their second year.

Fredrick and Natasha decided to move out to another city within Tetran to help out at an Adventurer's Guild there.

Kieara, though she struggled with dropping out her second year, went on to finish at many people's urging – Ryosuke being the loudest one. She decided to go out on an expeditionary force that was arranged to do an exchange program with Dolan's own forces. It was obvious who her sponsor would be.

Ryosuke had to return to Jishora's capital city of Dolan after that one year together, his duties as the Crown Prince couldn't be ignored any longer.

The same could be said of Eiriell, there were rumors going around that Rollin was heartbroken after she left.

But Phoenix's friends knew better.

There was a muted glow to Phoenix after Eiriell had to return to the Great Elven City of Eostrun.

The two couldn't get any proper time together after that night together. Something that was difficult to hide from Phoenix's friends due to the amount of love bites they left on each other. 

There was unrest across the Ethereal Ocean and in the Southern Continent. It was the same business that pulled Ryosuke back to Jishora.

Phoenix went on to become the highest ranked student by their third year, she gave an endearing speech that Olena complimented her on.

But it didn't help the inedible.

Phoenix Stroud, at nineteen summers, had two options to weigh – options that Olena had been forthcoming with when they started their third year and there was promise of war across the ocean.

The Tetran Army needed capable officers – capable like Phoenix and her group of friends who had gained a reputation at the Institution for being some of the best that they've ever seen grace these halls. Galen was well aware of what his assignment with the Palace Guard would bring – which would be to the shores of the southern continent to lead a coalition of forces between the elves, humans, and beastmen.

Phoenix could have gone on and joined Arthur on his exchange program with Eostrun – it was what she wanted most of all.

But Olena made it clear about what would happen, she would ask the others to give up their spots in favor of going to the Tetran Army to help the fight. Kieara would begrudgingly go, her sense of duty too strong to ignore despite Ryosuke waiting for her. Arthur would have gladly gone, but why send such a sweet man to war – not when Theoden awaited him in Eostrun too. Fredrick would surely go, but at the cost of Natasha staying back – or worst, going to the frontlines with Fredrick.

Instead, Phoenix chose to go to the Royal Tetran Army – something she kept from her friends except Galen and her family.

Graduation went off without a hitch.

Until Phoenix revealed where she was going. The Southern Continent of Oseth, to march against the Dwarf Rebellion that was taking place in the capital city of Kal Darom. The call to arms went out from the Dwarven King to protect his family that went into hiding – this was before his jealous brother had struck him down.

King Jerrick, having fought a war in the past with King Valdrok Onyxarm, answered the call – and so did his allies who wanted to honor the new coalition between their kingdoms.

Phoenix was supposed to leave in a month.

But the death of King Valdrok would dictate that Phoenix leave the following night.

Galen was sympathetic, he wasn't slated to leave until two months from now with the Prince Rollin's forces.

Phoenix Stroud, newly minted Lieutenant, would lead the charge of Tetran's landing party on the shores of Kal Darom. 

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