Last Wish

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A stone fountain with a water surface like a mirror shimmered. The All-seeing Fountain glowed softly before turning its omnipresent gaze to where Phoenix willed it to.

The Werenluna burned and a battle tore across the ashes between the humans and elves.

A great screech revealed Liona swooping down low to the ground.

Eiriell unleashed a great field of lightning across the human's forward line of troops. In response, human mages unleashed a firestorm of spells. The gryphon rider deflected the a few to go right back at the mages. 

Fearless, she jumped with a sword in hand to be side-by-side with the brave men and women that fought for her home. Liona soared above, a force all her own as she dominated the skies to protect her rider from above. 

Eiriell Elatoris made slaughter a dance and death come elegantly. 

A great echo of the elven troops surged forward, with it came a great serpent made of stone to come forth from the very ground. It's great maw opened wide as the inordinate magic tore through the ranks of human soldiers.

"You should be resting." A light voice with a polished and rich accent materialized at Phoenix's side, it was enough for her to break concentration on the fountain. The scenes before her only reflected the night sky above them now.

Phoenix sighed, "I just worry..." She turned to face the fairy that had snuck up on her. "What if Isle de Luna returns me too late?"

A slight laugh came from another, the oldest pixie came into view and sat on Phoenix's shoulder, "Trust in Isle de Luna, she will return you when she has determined the time to be right."

Phoenix looked at the Fountain again.

Eiriell's intense gaze came into view once more, this time without Phoenix meaning to.

"Ah, love does make one impatient." Farrah, the pixie, caught sight of the image and teased Phoenix by pulling at her cheek, "You'll make yourself sick if you keep antagonizing over the distance, you'll return to her."

Phoenix grimaced and snapped her gaze away from the Fountain. She felt like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar, "I... I'm not antagonizing."

"And yet I feel this angst and yearning in your heart." Mira smiled, "Child, you will be reunited soon and this time away will be nothing in comparison to your lives together."

Phoenix sighed, "I know... It's just, there's yet another war raging and my family and my friends..." She thought to what the All-seeing Fountain had shown her with Galen and Arthur, how Natasha and Fredrick had managed to flee to Jishora in time...

Her family's great escape from Brilux.

"Being away when they need me."

"Are you saying that they are not strong enough on their own?" Mira raised a brow, her dark hair danced in the wind while her bright teal gaze looked over Phoenix.

"No, they are – I should be there." Phoenix sighed.

"So that you can recklessly throw your life on the line for them once again?" Farrah floated in front of Phoenix's nose, "You have much to learn before you are ready to embark on what you've promised." Her green eyes held Phoenix's steadily, her short blond hair dancing about with the quick flutter of her wings.

Mira nodded, her great white wings fluttered, a sprinkle of magic touching down on the All-seeing Fountain.

An image from the distant past shimmered on to the surface.

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