War Council

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Though their reunion sweeter than any nectar, it was short.

But Phoenix and Eiriell didn't bemoan that, they were both happy to be together once more.

It was late in the evening and the day's fighting had died down, Tetran didn't gain any land going forward and the line of Eostrun's troops still held strong – if not a bit more weary than what these battles usually drain.

They managed to contain the fires well enough today – better even than what the previous battles were. It was a blessing that Phoenix had found the mages responsible for setting the fires for that battle.

It took much magical energy in order to summon the Dark Underworld Flame – too great for just one person to do it.

Phoenix despised the tactics they used to employ the flame – as a means to turn the tide of battle if the elven offensive threatened to push them back. From what they've seen so far, Tetran was careful in the employment of the cursed flame. Likely they wanted to salvage what they could and not cause a wild fire to break out completely.

Eiriell said the only reason they've managed this long is because Tetran hadn't outright burned down the entirety of the Werenluna from the beginning.

She feared the day that this last bit of restraint would disappear.

The elves didn't set up that many tents outside of ones for sleeping, they were content with using the trees and brush in order to set up their accommodations on the front lines. In a section of the camp was an area built up with maps and other items necessary to discuss strategy.

Phoenix stood around the table, across from her was Theoden – on his arm was a peculiar burn that had a dark hue to it. She took note that many of the elven officers around the table had a few of these peculiar burns.

Theoden caught Phoenix's gaze, "Don't let the cursed flame touch you." He raised his arm, "You need someone adept in light magic to heal it."

That's what it took in order to contain the blazes of the black fire. Elven mages that were experts in light magic would surge forward – Eiriell even would be a part of this. Together, they would summon a Blessed Rain, a spell suitable enough to counter this cursed flame and extinguish it.

But it could not save the land that was already burnt by it.

Land touched by the Dark Underworld Flame would be permanently barren.

So, the acres of forest and wood already burnt to charred remains – those were forever lost to the Werenluna.

It made Phoenix's heart ache.

Eiriell re-entered the war council area, this time with an elven general who could barely stand on his own. Theoden and a few others rushed to his side and pulled out a chair for him to sit upon and kept him close the map so that he could see.

"Nix, this is General Gantar Gremalis," She gestured to the elven man, it was surprising to see him in such a state due to his built form and strong arms that bulged within his military uniform. "A brilliant tactician and one of the reasons we're able to stave off Tetran from advancing further the past few weeks."

Gantar chuckled, his dark hair lacked a certain shine to it and his pointed ears drooped lower than the other elves. "Please, if Her Majesty Elnaril was her, she'd be upset that I haven't turned this tide completely."

"Where is Grandsire?" Phoenix picked up on the unease at the mention of Elnaril immediately.

Eiriell bit her cheek and closed her eyes, "Grandsire... isn't well enough to lead from the frontlines any more. She can barely be from her bed for more than a few hours now."

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