Just Stubborn

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"That's quite a distance you're gonna have to swim, Nix." Kara let out jokingly, she found purchase on top of Phoenix's head while the two looked out from the top of the mountain on Isle de Luna. Phoenix didn't know where exactly because of how far it was, but she knew that they were looking at Aldernad.

"It's a good thing I've gotten plenty of practice from you." Phoenix bit back with a smile, referring to all the times Kara had summoned the briny water to try and toss her out to sea for all the times Phoenix would give the pixie a taste of her own medicine.

Indigo whistled, "You're about to leave us already?" He looked over at Phoenix.

She shrugged, "I've been here for almost two years now." Phoenix looked out at the island, the paradise of pixies and fairies alike. Where the animals and beasts were friendly to all on the island. Where eagles and hawks soared the skies above the island.

"I suppose that's a while for a human." Puck was lying back while floating in the air, his body hovering across nonchalantly.

Phoenix swatted at Puck, the pixie stuck his tongue out the human before flying in a corkscrew upward, he cupped his hands at his eyes and looked out at the horizon.

"That is a bit of a distance away, you don't think Isle de Luna is gonna get any closer?" Puck asked.

Phoenix shook her head, "Mira and Farrah both agree that Isle de Luna won't wander any further, in order to protect her existence from the others."

"Think you're ready to sprout some wings then?" Alina patted at Phoenix's back.

Phoenix chuckled, "I'll have you know I flew once." She rubbed the gryphon mark at her chest, she was thankful her latest scar didn't mar it. She thought back to the time when wings sprouted from her back and helped her fly back to Eostrun.

"I believe you." Alina smiled at Phoenix, "I'm going to miss you." She admitted.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Indigo leaned over at his newest friend.

"Same here, Nix." Puck flew down to her shoulder, "You definitely livened up things here a lot. I haven't seen the likes of Briar so spritely in his step lately."

Kara patted her tiny hand on top of Phoenix's forehead, "You're alright." She merely stated, but there was a smile at her face.

Phoenix beamed at the four, "Maybe one day we'll see each other again." She looked out on the horizon, "If I ever see Isle de Luna out in the distance like this, I'll swim out myself." She joked.

The group laughed at that.

But a screech cut through the sky.

The mark over Phoenix's chest felt warm.

An entire flight of gryphons was breaking through the horizon, a direct course to where Isle de Luna was.

"It's been a while since we've had gryphons visit." Puck watched as the flight of gryphons flew closer.

"They probably sensed that one of their own needed a lift." Kara flew down, her wings fluttering against Phoenix's mark before hovering out in front. "What do you think?"

The gryphon mark felt warm and the familiar thrum of energy began coursing through her veins. She looked skyward and sensed one of the gryphons locking eyes with her despite how far off the distance they were from each other.

"You're truly blessed by fate, you know that Nix?" Indigo smiled up at the human.

Phoenix let out a laugh.

"I think it's just cause I'm stubborn." She looked back down at Indigo, "Someone really important to me would always call me that."

Kara hummed in agreement, "Whoever they are, they've got you pegged." She looked to the horizon to watch the majestic beasts fly closer and closer, "You're such a stubborn fool at times." 

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